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Issuing CA Signing Certificate with NSS

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Mar 24, 2021 · 4 revisions


This page describes the process to issue CA signing certificate using NSS provided the CA signing CSR.

This page assumes an NSS database has been created as follows:

$ echo Secret.123 > password.txt
$ openssl rand -out noise.bin 2048
$ mkdir nssdb
$ certutil -N -d nssdb -f password.txt

Issuing Self-signed CA Signing Certificate

If the CSR was generated in the same NSS database, it can be self-signed with the following commands:

$ CA_SKID="0x`openssl rand -hex 20`"
$ OCSP="http://$HOSTNAME:8080/ca/ocsp"
$ echo -e "y\n\ny\ny\n${CA_SKID}\n\n\n\n${CA_SKID}\n\n2\n7\n${OCSP}\n\n\n\n" | \
    certutil -C \
    -x \
    -d nssdb \
    -f password.txt \
    -m $RANDOM \
    -a \
    -i ca_signing.csr \
    -o ca_signing.crt \
    -2 \
    -3 \
    --extAIA \
    --extSKID \
    --keyUsage critical,certSigning,crlSigning,digitalSignature,nonRepudiation

It will generate the CA signing certificate in ca_signing.crt.

Issuing Subordinate CA Signing Certificate

Regardless where the CSR was generated, it can be signed by another CA signing certificate.

For example, create a self-signed root CA signing certificate with the following commands:

$ ROOTCA_SKID="0x`openssl rand -hex 20`"
$ OCSP="http://$HOSTNAME:8080/ca/ocsp"
$ echo -e "y\n\ny\ny\n${ROOTCA_SKID}\n\n\n\n${ROOTCA_SKID}\n\n2\n7\n${OCSP}\n\n\n\n" | \
    certutil -S \
    -x \
    -d nssdb \
    -f password.txt \
    -z noise.bin \
    -n "Root Certificate Authority" \
    -s "CN=Root Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE" \
    -t "CT,C,C" \
    -m $RANDOM\
    -k rsa \
    -g 2048 \
    -Z SHA256 \
    -2 \
    -3 \
    --extAIA \
    --extSKID \
    --keyUsage critical,certSigning,crlSigning,digitalSignature,nonRepudiation

Then sign the CSR with the root CA signing certificate with the following commands:

$ CA_SKID="0x`openssl rand -hex 20`"
$ echo -e "y\n\ny\ny\n${ROOTCA_SKID}\n\n\n\n${CA_SKID}\n\n2\n7\n${OCSP}\n\n\n\n" | \
    certutil -C \
    -d nssdb \
    -f password.txt \
    -m $RANDOM \
    -a \
    -i ca_signing.csr \
    -o ca_signing.crt \
    -c "Root Certificate Authority" \
    -2 \
    -3 \
    --extAIA \
    --extSKID \
    --keyUsage critical,certSigning,crlSigning,digitalSignature,nonRepudiation

It will generate the CA signing certificate in ca_signing.crt.


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