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OCSP Service

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 1 revision


GET Request

  • Operation: GET /ca/ocsp/<request> or GET /ocsp/ee/ocsp/<request>

POST Request

  • Operation: POST /ca/ocsp or POST /ocsp/ee/ocsp

  • Content: OCSP request


Export the CA signing certificate with the following command:

$ pki-server cert-export ca_signing --cert-file ca_signing.crt

Send the OCSP request with the following command:

$ openssl ocsp \
    -url \
    -CAfile ca_signing.crt \
    -issuer ca_signing.crt \
    -serial 0xf156f31055120c215fab6d8347a7a9e1
Response verify OK
0xf156f31055120c215fab6d8347a7a9e1: good
	This Update: Oct 16 20:42:29 2023 GMT

See Also

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