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PKI Server Subsystem User CLI

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Jun 14, 2024 · 10 revisions


The pki-server <subsystem>-user commands provide a way to manage users in subsystem database even when PKI server is offline. These commands can only be executed by the system administrator.

Listing Subsystem Users

To list the users in the subsystem:

$ pki-server <subsystem>-user-find
  User ID: CA-localhost.localdomain-8443
  Full Name: CA-localhost.localdomain-8443
  Type: agentType
  State: 1

  User ID: caadmin
  Full Name: caadmin
  Email: [email protected]
  Type: adminType
  State: 1

  User ID: pkidbuser
  Full Name: pkidbuser
  Type: agentType
  State: 1

Displaying Subsystem User Info

To display the subsystem user info:

$ pki-server <subsystem>-user-show pkidbuser
  User ID: pkidbuser
  Full Name: pkidbuser
  Type: agentType
  State: 1

Adding Subsystem User

To add a subsystem user, specify the user ID, the full name, and the type:

$ pki-server <subsystem>-user-add \
    --full-name "Test User" \
    --type adminType \

In PKI 11.6 or later the user certificate can be specified with the --cert <path> option.

Modifying Subsystem User

To modify a subsystem user, specify the user ID and the attributes to change:

$ pki-server <subsystem>-user-mod testuser --add-see-also uid=testuser

Resetting Subsystem User Password

To reset user password, specify the new password as follows:

$ pki-server <subsystem>-user-mod testuser --password Secret.123

Alternatively, the new password can be specified in a file:

$ pki-server <subsystem>-user-mod testuser --password-file password.txt

Availability: Since PKI 11.5

Removing Subsystem User

To remove a subsystem user, specify the user ID:

$ pki-server <subsystem>-user-del testuser

Availability: Since PKI 11.1

See Also

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