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Configuring CMC Shared Token Authentication

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Jul 26, 2022 · 15 revisions


This page describes the process to configure CMC shared token authentication.

It assumes that:

  • Issuance protection certificate has been created.

Setting Up Authentication Database

Updating LDAP Schema

Define the LDAP attribute to store the shared token in an LDIF file (e.g. /usr/share/pki/ca/auth/ds/schema.ldif).

To update the schema:

$ ldapmodify \
    -H ldap:// \
    -x \
    -D "cn=Directory Manager" \
    -w Secret.123 \
    -f schema.ldif

Creating LDAP Subtree

Define the LDAP subtree (e.g. ou=people,dc=example,dc=com) to store LDAP users in an LDIF file (e.g. /usr/share/pki/ca/auth/ds/create.ldif).

To add the subtree:

$ ldapadd \
    -H ldap:// \
    -x \
    -D "cn=Directory Manager" \
    -w Secret.123 \
    -f create.ldif

Adding LDAP Users

Define the LDAP users in an LDIF file (e.g. /usr/share/pki/ca/auth/ds/example.ldif):

To add the users:

$ ldapadd \
    -H ldap:// \
    -x \
    -D "cn=Directory Manager" \
    -w Secret.123 \
    -f example.ldif

Configuring Authentication Manager

Configure CMC shared token authentication to use the above authentication database:

$ pki-server ca-config-set auths.instance.SharedToken.ldap.basedn ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
$ pki-server ca-config-set auths.instance.SharedToken.ldap.ldapauth.authtype BasicAuth
$ pki-server ca-config-set auths.instance.SharedToken.ldap.ldapauth.bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
$ pki-server ca-config-set auths.instance.SharedToken.ldap.ldapauth.bindPWPrompt "Rule SharedToken"
$ pki-server ca-config-set
$ pki-server ca-config-set auths.instance.SharedToken.ldap.ldapconn.port 3389
$ pki-server ca-config-set auths.instance.SharedToken.ldap.ldapconn.secureConn false
$ pki-server ca-config-set auths.instance.SharedToken.pluginName SharedToken
$ pki-server ca-config-set auths.instance.SharedToken.shrTokAttr shrTok

Enabling caFullCMCSharedTokenCert Profile

$ sed -i \
    -e "s/^\(enable\)=.*/\1=true/" \

Restarting CA Subsystem

$ pki-server ca-undeploy --wait
$ pki-server ca-deploy --wait

See Also

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