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PKI CA Review Certificate Request REST API
ckelleyRH edited this page Jun 8, 2021
4 revisions
Authentication: client certificate
Query Parameters:
: dec/hex request ID
Content: None
curl -k -H "Accept: application/json" --user caadmin:Secret.123 -s https://localhost.localdomain:8443/ca/rest/agent/certrequests/2 | python -m json.tool { "nonce": "1848741545571711687", "requestId": "2", "requestType": "enrollment", "requestStatus": "complete", "requestCreationTime": "Tue Jun 08 09:21:02 BST 2021", "requestModificationTime": "Tue Jun 08 09:21:02 BST 2021", "profileApprovedBy": "system", "profileSetId": "ocspCertSet", "profileIsVisible": "true", "profileName": "Manual OCSP Manager Signing Certificate Enrollment", "profileDescription": "This certificate profile is for enrolling OCSP Manager certificates.", "Attributes": { "Attribute": [] }, "ProfileID": "caOCSPCert", "Renewal": false, "Input": [ { "id": null, "ClassID": "CertReqInput", "Name": "Certificate Request Input", "Text": null, "Attribute": [ { "name": "cert_request_type", "Value": "pkcs10", "Descriptor": null }, { "name": "cert_request", "Value": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----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\npZsSpHjiSvSEK/4ZU4Yv14mg+LwUWIiLAbGmeFGb3zujoe0=\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----", "Descriptor": null } ], "ConfigAttribute": [] }, { "id": null, "ClassID": "SubmitterInfoInput", "Name": "Requestor Information", "Text": null, "Attribute": [], "ConfigAttribute": [] } ], "ProfilePolicySet": [ { "policies": [ { "id": null, "def": { "classId": null, "id": "Subject Name Default", "description": "This default populates a User-Supplied Certificate Subject Name to the request.", "policyAttribute": [ { "name": "name", "Value": "CN=CA OCSP Signing Certificate,OU=pki-tomcat,O=EXAMPLE", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Subject Name", "DefaultValue": null } } ], "params": [] }, "constraint": { "classId": "SubjectNameConstraint", "id": "Subject Name Constraint", "description": "This constraint accepts the subject name that matches CN=.*", "constraint": [ { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Subject Name Pattern", "DefaultValue": null }, "value": "CN=.*", "id": "pattern" } ] } }, { "id": null, "def": { "classId": null, "id": "Validity Default", "description": "This default populates a Certificate Validity to the request. The default values are Range=720 in days", "policyAttribute": [ { "name": "notBefore", "Value": "2021-06-08 09:21:02", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Not Before", "DefaultValue": null } }, { "name": "notAfter", "Value": "2023-05-29 09:21:02", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Not After", "DefaultValue": null } } ], "params": [] }, "constraint": { "classId": "ValidityConstraint", "id": "Validity Constraint", "description": "This constraint rejects the validity that is not between 720 days.", "constraint": [ { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "integer", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Validity Range", "DefaultValue": "365" }, "value": "720", "id": "range" }, { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Validity Range Unit: year, month, day (default), hour, minute", "DefaultValue": "day" }, "value": "", "id": "rangeUnit" }, { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "integer", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Grace period for Not Before being set in the future (in seconds).", "DefaultValue": "0" }, "value": "", "id": "notBeforeGracePeriod" }, { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "boolean", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Check Not Before against current time", "DefaultValue": "false" }, "value": "false", "id": "notBeforeCheck" }, { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "boolean", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Check Not After against Not Before", "DefaultValue": "false" }, "value": "false", "id": "notAfterCheck" } ] } }, { "id": null, "def": { "classId": null, "id": "Key Default", "description": "This default populates a User-Supplied Certificate Key to the request.", "policyAttribute": [ { "name": "TYPE", "Value": "RSA - 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": "readonly", "Description": "Key Type", "DefaultValue": null } }, { "name": "LEN", "Value": "2048", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": "readonly", "Description": "Key Length", "DefaultValue": null } }, { "name": "KEY", "Value": "30:82:01:0A:02:82:01:01:00:B7:A1:19:B4:82:2E:B2:\\n09:E8:71:FE:54:C0:E1:A6:F3:3D:88:35:1C:22:EB:5D:\\n40:DA:42:42:0C:96:05:AE:08:E0:A4:5A:A3:81:5A:91:\\nF9:51:F5:E1:31:FD:2C:DD:6F:F1:14:E0:11:B0:A8:27:\\nDF:F2:28:62:65:5A:5B:8A:BB:78:6F:BE:6E:5F:33:D0:\\nD9:79:8A:4F:49:18:C4:D0:86:AC:8C:D5:3C:64:40:C1:\\nC1:9B:58:B5:29:CB:F2:4A:BF:AC:40:C7:05:C4:B5:59:\\nAC:41:24:1D:37:C3:C2:0B:F9:6A:70:47:9B:56:44:41:\\n9B:35:57:92:80:1B:EF:29:7A:EE:A4:B5:F9:8F:64:BC:\\nF5:31:EE:89:66:D3:51:58:E2:6F:EB:CB:04:DA:27:C5:\\nA7:19:06:2F:7E:84:25:15:B4:00:78:1B:88:0F:06:03:\\n07:E7:B0:4A:19:5A:F2:46:C4:61:EE:38:82:85:D2:59:\\n7B:F6:48:B3:72:BB:8A:A4:E7:F1:C2:FC:E2:47:5F:09:\\n19:43:98:85:19:C9:40:E3:9A:30:FB:D0:B4:5B:85:89:\\n25:38:AD:6A:2C:2E:9E:F3:5C:16:DD:1E:BE:AC:57:A5:\\nCD:99:AD:E7:C2:1F:71:19:28:ED:5C:53:A4:77:25:6C:\\n35:A9:06:75:51:CE:A5:55:5F:02:03:01:00:01\\n", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": "readonly", "Description": "Key", "DefaultValue": null } } ], "params": [] }, "constraint": { "classId": "KeyConstraint", "id": "Key Constraint", "description": "This constraint accepts the key only if Key Type=-, Key Parameters =1024,2048,3072,4096,nistp256,nistp384,nistp521", "constraint": [ { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "choice", "Constraint": "-,RSA,EC", "Description": "Key Type", "DefaultValue": "RSA" }, "value": "-", "id": "keyType" }, { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Key Lengths or Curves. For EC use comma separated list of curves, otherise use list of key sizes. Ex: 1024,2048,4096,8192 or: nistp256,nistp384,nistp521,sect163k1,nistk163 for EC.", "DefaultValue": "" }, "value": "1024,2048,3072,4096,nistp256,nistp384,nistp521", "id": "keyParameters" } ] } }, { "id": null, "def": { "classId": null, "id": "Authority Key Identifier Default", "description": "This default populates an Authority Key Identifier Extension ( to the request.", "policyAttribute": [ { "name": "critical", "Value": "false", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": "readonly", "Description": "Criticality", "DefaultValue": null } }, { "name": "keyid", "Value": "69:77:28:72:1E:0B:32:81:9F:33:07:B4:45:A5:FA:25:\\nB5:F5:88:E3\\n", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": "readonly", "Description": "Key ID", "DefaultValue": null } } ], "params": [] }, "constraint": { "classId": "NoConstraint", "id": "No Constraint", "description": "No Constraint", "constraint": [] } }, { "id": null, "def": { "classId": null, "id": "AIA Extension Default", "description": "This default populates a Authority Info Access Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality=false, Record #0{Method:,Location Type:URIName,Location:,Enable:true}", "policyAttribute": [ { "name": "authInfoAccessCritical", "Value": "false", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "boolean", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Criticality", "DefaultValue": "false" } }, { "name": "authInfoAccessGeneralNames", "Value": "Record #0\r\nMethod:\r\nLocation Type:URIName\r\nLocation:http://localhost.localdomain:8080/ca/ocsp\r\nEnable:true\r\n\r\n", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "string_list", "Constraint": null, "Description": "General Names", "DefaultValue": null } } ], "params": [] }, "constraint": { "classId": "NoConstraint", "id": "No Constraint", "description": "No Constraint", "constraint": [] } }, { "id": null, "def": { "classId": null, "id": "Extended Key Usage Default", "description": "This default populates an Extended Key Usage Extension () to the request. The default values are Criticality=false, OIDs=", "policyAttribute": [ { "name": "exKeyUsageCritical", "Value": "false", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "boolean", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Criticality", "DefaultValue": "false" } }, { "name": "exKeyUsageOIDs", "Value": "", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "string_list", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Comma-Separated list of Object Identifiers", "DefaultValue": null } } ], "params": [] }, "constraint": { "classId": "ExtendedKeyUsageExtConstraint", "id": "Extended Key Usage Extension", "description": "This constraint accepts the Extended Key Usage extension, if present, only when Criticality=false, OIDs=", "constraint": [ { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "choice", "Constraint": "true,false,-", "Description": "Criticality", "DefaultValue": "-" }, "value": "false", "id": "exKeyUsageCritical" }, { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Comma-Separated list of Object Identifiers", "DefaultValue": null }, "value": "", "id": "exKeyUsageOIDs" } ] } }, { "id": null, "def": { "classId": null, "id": "OCSP No Check Extension", "description": "This default populates an OCSP No Check Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality=false", "policyAttribute": [ { "name": "ocspNoCheckCritical", "Value": "false", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "boolean", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Criticality", "DefaultValue": "false" } } ], "params": [] }, "constraint": { "classId": "ExtensionConstraint", "id": "No Constraint", "description": "This constraint accepts the extension only when Criticality=false, OID=", "constraint": [ { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "choice", "Constraint": "true,false,-", "Description": "Criticality", "DefaultValue": "-" }, "value": "false", "id": "extCritical" }, { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Object Identifier", "DefaultValue": null }, "value": "", "id": "extOID" } ] } }, { "id": null, "def": { "classId": null, "id": "Signing Alg", "description": "This default populates the Certificate Signing Algorithm. The default values are Algorithm=SHA256withRSA", "policyAttribute": [ { "name": "signingAlg", "Value": "SHA256withRSA", "Descriptor": { "Syntax": "choice", "Constraint": "SHA256withRSA,SHA384withRSA,SHA512withRSA,SHA1withRSA,SHA256withRSA/PSS,SHA384withRSA/PSS,SHA512withRSA/PSS", "Description": "Signing Algorithm", "DefaultValue": null } } ], "params": [] }, "constraint": { "classId": "SigningAlgConstraint", "id": "No Constraint", "description": "This constraint accepts only the Signing Algorithms of SHA256withRSA,SHA512withRSA,SHA256withEC,SHA384withRSA,SHA384withEC,SHA512withEC,SHA256withRSA/PSS,SHA384withRSA/PSS,SHA512withRSA/PSS", "constraint": [ { "descriptor": { "Syntax": "string", "Constraint": null, "Description": "Allowed Signing Algorithms", "DefaultValue": "SHA256withRSA,SHA384withRSA,SHA512withRSA,SHA1withRSA,SHA256withRSA/PSS,SHA384withRSA/PSS,SHA512withRSA/PSS,SHA256withEC,SHA384withEC,SHA512withEC,SHA1withEC" }, "value": "SHA256withRSA,SHA512withRSA,SHA256withEC,SHA384withRSA,SHA384withEC,SHA512withEC,SHA256withRSA/PSS,SHA384withRSA/PSS,SHA512withRSA/PSS", "id": "signingAlgsAllowed" } ] } } ] } ] }
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