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Standup Notes 2018 10 11

Erik Moeller edited this page Oct 12, 2018 · 1 revision

Participants (alphabetical): Conor, Emmanuel, Erik, Jen, Kevin, Kushal, Mike, Mickael, Nicholas, Nina


Yesterday: No Qubes work - Weblate

Today: Weblate, Qubes templates

Blockers: None


Yesterday: Support, continued tinkering with prod VM setup and finding issues in docs (as reported by Kevin)

Today: Support, add more hardware to test for compatibility, follow up with a client re kernel

Blockers: None

Escalation: None


Yesterday: Two user research sessions -- mostly positive, online/offline mode has some potential for confusion

Today: Two more user research sessions; hiring. Getting Senior Software Engineer job for SD ready for posting.

Blockers: None


Yesterday: SD security #5, worked with Nick getting his PR, some follow-up issues. Getting in fixes for 0.10.0

Today: RC2 coming soon

Blockers: Will need help with testing Debian packages


Yesterday: Support tasks, reviewed PR for 0.10.0

Today: Another support call, put in PR with docs fixes. Getting functional testing (time.sleeps) refactor ready. Chat with Jen re: testing 0.10.0

Blockers: None


Yesterday: Was working on securedrop-sdk to have proxy power.

Today: Submitted PR , needs work on JSON dumps/loads as it is not preserving the order.

Blockers: None


Yesterday: refactored S3 permissions/logic, got SSL set up; need to pair with someone on RPM logic (#157); updated public key on

Today: Potentially more work on #157

Blockers: ^^


Yesterday: Reproduced bug with qubes builder using Qubes team's config; opened upstream ticket

Today: Looked at security issue #5; happy to help with packaging

Blockers: None


Yesterday: Fixed a bunch of stuff to do with the Login UI (so the tool bar at the top reflects state). Added more changes for UI "plumbing". Fixed the display of time to say things like "2 minutes ago", "yesterday" etc... Meetings with Erik,Nina,Jen about UI/UX-y things (really useful, thanks!). Closed off the PR related to login and fixed the CI related problems associated with it due to our using Qt. Thanks to Jen for assistance with that.

Today: This was a half-day for me. I spent my time "spiking" a solution for the conversation view (issue #32). I posted a screenie of work done so far (it sorta works) in the Slack channel and will spend Monday polishing, ensuring it's all tested and that I use the mock data kindly provided by Nina. I also want to add more features to the conversation bubbles too (e.g. metadata on the message etc...) as per Nina's UX work.

Blockers: None.


Yesterday: Testing went well overall; got some good feedback. Posted updates to wiki pages. Got dummy content (example messages) to Nicholas, simplified wireframe for implementation

Today: Extending prototypes to include more context, unique content specific to what investigative journalists are likely to see; updating participant script.

Blockers: None


  • Single user vs multi user

Decision to support usage in kiosk (multi-user) mode until we introduce features that require per-user security domains.

  • Tor meeting updates

Tor has significant funding to enable upload of video by Chinese users via Tor. They discussed having submission platform that would automatically strip metadata from videos -- there might be overlap with workstation. There may be a need for network-level changes. Key work is to fix bridge censorship issue. Submission platform unclear - discussion about working with Open Archive folks.

For .onion service development, service naming has come up as one of most important features to develop. One of biggest pain points are scary looking addresses. Suggestions ranged from Tor blockchain :| to DNS-ish services for .onions, HTTPSE custom rulesets. 3-6 month experimentation period where projects that are interested can work with Tor community to test these ideas.

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