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tkawa edited this page Jun 25, 2012 · 11 revisions

Celedon Cedar is Heroku's most recent runtime stack and is a flexible, polyglot environment with robust introspection and erosion-resistance capabilities. It embodies the Twelve-factor app methodology of building, deploying and managing modern web applications.

Celedon Cedar は Herokuの最新の (ランタイム スタック)[wiki/stack]です。堅牢なイントロスペクションとエロージョン抵抗機能を備えた、柔軟で多言語環境です。それは展開とモダンなWebアプリケーションにおけるビルド、デプロイ、管理の方法論である12factorを体現しています。

Using Cedar(Cedarを使う)

To create an app on the Cedar stack, use the --stack (or -s) flag from the Heroku command line:

Cedar スタックでアプリケーションを作成するためには--stackまたは-sオプションを付けてHeroku コマンドラインから以下の様に実行します。

$ heroku create --stack cedar

Make sure you're running version 2.1.0 or higher of the command-line tool which can be installed via the Heroku toolbelt.

なおHeroku コマンドラインツールのバージョンが2.1.0以降であることを確認して下さい。Heroku toolbeltを利用している場合には以下のようにheroku updateコマンドでバージョンを上げることが可能です。

$ heroku --version
$ heroku update
-----> Updating to latest client... done
$ heroku --version

Polyglot platform

Cedar is a polyglot platform with native support for many of today's most popular and productive languages and frameworks including:

Cedar スタックでは人気の生産性が高いプログラミング言語やフレームワークを含む多様性のあるプラットフォーム です。

Clojure Facebook
Java, Spring or Play Node.js
Python or Django Ruby or Rails

Polyglot support at the platform level lets development teams effectively utilize many languages across - and within - projects and ensures the right tool for the job. On Cedar, language choice and deployment infrastructure are orthogonal.

The foundation of Cedar's unified multi-language support is the new process model which provides a consistent interface for running and managing apps.




Cedar introduces a new way to think about scaling your app: the process model. The process model is a generalized approach to managing processes across a distributed environment. It allows you to specify a custom list of process types in a Procfile and provides for very granular management of an application's components.

Cedar スタックは、プロセス モデルという、アプリケーションをスケーリングする新たな方法を導入します。プロセスモデルは、分散化された環境を横断したプロセスを管理するための総合的なアプローチです。Procfileにカスタムプロセスタイプを記述して、各プロセスを特定することが出来ます。そして、細かい粒度でアプリケーションのコンポーネントを管理することが出来ます。

web:     node web.js
worker:  node worker.js
reports: node report.js

The process model enables the thousands of unique process formations across the dyno manifold while giving application developers the flexibility to use the frameworks and libraries of their choice.


Management granularity

The process model also allows applications with logical components to manage and [scale at a very granular level]scaling). For instance, to dial-down HTTP processing while increasing background job concurrency, apply the heroku ps:scale command against your application's unique process model.

$ heroku ps:scale web-1 worker+2 reports=1
Scaling web processes... done, now running 3
Scaling worker processes... done, now running 5
Scaling reports processes... done, now running 1

One-off processes

Cedar's flexibility is most evident with the heroku run command which lets you execute any command against your application. Many languages support a REPL which gives you a console with which to interact with your application. Use heroku run to establish an interactive session with a remote REPL for a Clojure app.

Cedar の柔軟さは、あなたのアプリケーションに対してどんなコマンドでも実行できる heroku run コマンドでも明らかです。多くの言語は、コンソールでアプリケーションと対話するための REPL をサポートしています。heroku run を使うと、 Clojure アプリケーション用のリモート REPL 対話セッションを確立できます。

$ heroku run "lein repl"
Running lein repl attached to terminal... up, run.1
Clojure 1.3.0

One-off processes, such as rake tasks for Ruby applications, can also be executed against their remote environment on Heroku.

Ruby アプリケーションの rake タスクのような ワンオフプロセス も、同様に Heroku のリモート環境に対して実行できます。

$ heroku run rake db:migrate
Running `rake db:migrate` attached to terminal... up, ps.1
(in /app)
Migrating to CreateWidgets (20110204210157)
==  CreateWidgets: migrating ==================================================
-- create_table(:widgets)
   -> 0.0120s
==  CreateWidgets: migrated (0.0121s) =========================================


Deployment platforms can appear to be black-boxes in their management and automation of application runtimes. Heroku Cedar provides several tools to give application developers complete insight into their applications.

Process formation

The heroku ps command lists all processes running for an application and clearly identifies the state of each individual process.

$ heroku ps
Process       State               Command
------------  ------------------ ------------------------------------
web.1         up for 8h           bundle exec thin start -p $PORT -e production
web.2         up for 3m           bundle exec thin start -p $PORT -e production
worker.1      up for 1m           bundle exec stalk worker.rb


Aggregated logs for all components in the application stack, including components managed by Heroku such as the HTTP router, are available in a single stream with heroku logs.

The `-t` flag keeps the log stream open so new entries are automatically displayed, much like the Unix `tail` command.
$ heroku logs -t
2012-03-16T14:02:57+00:00 heroku[router]: GET dyno=web.3 queue=0 wait=0ms service=44ms status=200 bytes=32839
2012-03-16T14:02:57+00:00 app[worker.1]: [Worker(host:278fa1bc-d6aa-4409-bffd-0032dd0093b5 pid:1)] Article#reindex_without_delay completed after 0.1200
2012-03-16T14:02:57+00:00 app[worker.1]: [Worker(host:278fa1bc-d6aa-4409-bffd-0032dd0093b5 pid:1)] 1 job processed at 11.3892 j/s, 0 failed ...
2012-03-16T14:03:00+00:00 heroku[router]: GET dyno=web.1 queue=0 wait=0ms service=2ms status=200 bytes=369
2012-03-16T14:03:05+00:00 app[web.3]: Started GET "/articles/git" for at 2012-03-16 14:03:05 +0000
2012-03-16T14:03:05+00:00 app[web.3]:   Processing by ArticlesController#show as HTML
2012-03-16T14:03:05+00:00 app[web.3]:   Parameters: {"id"=>"git"}
2012-03-16T14:03:05+00:00 app[web.3]: Read fragment views/ (3.6ms)
Additionally, [several add-on providers]( provide retention, indexing and visualization capabilities of log data.

Here we see the router receiving a request and passing it to the backend web.3 process while the worker.1 process indexes an article for search. Router logs, database queries and application output is all coalesced into a singled event stream for full visibility into your application's execution.

Component and process-level introspection is also available to quickly zero-in on problematic processes and filter out irrelevant activity.

$ heroku logs --ps worker.1 -t
2012-03-16T14:16:58+00:00 app[worker.1]: [Worker(host:278fa1bc-d6aa-4409-bffd-0032dd0093b5 pid:1)] Article#reindex_without_delay completed after 0.0645
2012-03-16T14:16:58+00:00 app[worker.1]: [Worker(host:278fa1bc-d6aa-4409-bffd-0032dd0093b5 pid:1)] Article#record_view_without_delay completed after 0.0388
2012-03-16T14:16:58+00:00 app[worker.1]: [Worker(host:278fa1bc-d6aa-4409-bffd-0032dd0093b5 pid:1)] 10 jobs processed at 11.6378 j/s, 0 failed ...

Release management

All application deployments and configuration changes are captured and logged by Heroku and are made available with heroku releases.

$ heroku releases
Rel   Change                          By                    When
----  ----------------------          ----------            ----------
v52   Config add AWS_S3_KEY           [email protected]       5 minutes ago            
v51   Deploy de63889                  [email protected]   7 minutes ago
v50   Deploy 7c35f77                  [email protected]   3 hours ago

Releases ensures that an application's lifecycle is captured in an accountable and actionable format with the ability to undo errant modifications with heroku releases:rollback.

Advanced HTTP capabilities

On Cedar, an app named foo will have the default hostname of

The domain routes to a modern HTTP stack which offers a direct routing path to your web processes. This allows for advanced HTTP uses such as chunked responses, long polling, and using an async webserver to handle multiple responses from a single web process.

Cedar does not include a reverse proxy cache such as Varnish, preferring to empower developers to choose the CDN solution that best serves their needs.

Migrating to Cedar

Migrating from Bamboo to Cedar allows an application to take advantage of a much more flexible and powerful stack. Because the significant architectural differences, migrating to Cedar is a largely manual process.

Instructions for migrating to Cedar can be found here.

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