You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 9
error codes
2010-10-06T21:51:04-07:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from down to starting
2010-10-06T21:51:07-07:00 app[web.1]: Starting process with command: `thin -p 22020 -e production -R /home/heroku_rack/heroku.ru start`
2010-10-06T21:51:09-07:00 app[web.1]: >> Using rails adapter
2010-10-06T21:51:09-07:00 app[web.1]: Missing the Rails 2.3.5 gem. Please `gem install -v=2.3.5 rails`, update your RAILS_GEM_VERSION setting in config/environment.rb for the Rails version you do have installed, or comment out RAILS_GEM_VERSION to use the latest version installed.
2010-10-06T21:51:10-07:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited
2010-10-06T21:51:12-07:00 heroku[router]: Error H10 (App crashed) -> GET myapp.heroku.com/ web=web.1 queue=0 wait=0ms service=0ms bytes=0
2010-10-06T21:51:12-07:00 heroku[nginx]: GET / HTTP/1.1 | | 8132 | http | 503
2010-10-06T21:51:07-07:00 heroku[router]: Error H11 (Backlog too deep) -> GET myapp.heroku.com/ web=web.1 queue=51 wait=0ms service=0ms bytes=0
2010-10-06T21:51:07-07:00 heroku[nginx]: GET / HTTP/1.1 | | 8132 | http | 503
2010-10-06T21:51:07-07:00 app[web.2]: Processing PostController#list (for at 2010-10-06 21:51:07) [GET]
2010-10-06T21:51:08-07:00 app[web.2]: Rendering template within layouts/application
2010-10-06T21:51:19-07:00 app[web.2]: Rendering post/list
2010-10-06T21:51:37-07:00 heroku[router]: Error H12 (Request timeout) -> GET myapp.heroku.com/ web=web.2 queue=0 wait=0ms service=0ms bytes=0
2010-10-06T21:51:37-07:00 heroku[nginx]: GET / HTTP/1.1 | | 8132 | http | 503
2010-10-06T21:51:42-07:00 app[web.2]: Completed in 37400ms (View: 27, DB: 21) | 200 OK [http://myapp.heroku.com/]
2010-10-06T21:51:37-07:00 heroku[router]: Error H13 (Connection closed without response) -> GET myapp.heroku.com/ web=web.2 queue=0 wait=0ms service=173ms bytes=0
2010-10-06T21:51:37-07:00 heroku[nginx]: GET / HTTP/1.1 | | 8132 | http | 503
$ heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku ps
Idle connectionのエラーは、リクエストが アクティブでは無い状態が55秒間続き、終了された時に、ログに書かれます。
Apps on Cedar's HTTP routing stack use the herokuapp.com domain. Requests made to a Cedar app at its deprecated heroku.com domain will be redirected to the correct herokuapp.com address and this redirect message will be inserted into the app's logs. Cdear上のアプリケーションは、
このエラーメッセージは、routing meshが不正なHTTPレスポンスをdynoから検出した場合に、ログに書き込まれます。
The routing mesh received a connection timeout error after 5 seconds attempting to open a socket to your web process. This is usually a symptom of your app being overwhelmed and failing to accept new connections in a timely manner. If you have multiple dynos, the routing mesh will retry multiple dynos before logging H19 and serving a standard error page.
routing meshが、ソケットをwebプロセスへオープンしようと試みた後、5秒経過すると、コネクションタイムアウトのエラーを受信します。これは、たいていアプリケーションが度を超え、新たなコネクションをタイムリーに取得することが失敗している兆候となります。もし、複数のdynoを管理しているのであれば、routing meshは、H19のエラーをログに書き込み、標準のエラーページを返すより前に複数のdynoをリトライしようとします。
2010-10-06T21:51:07-07:00 heroku[router]: Error H19 (Backend connection timeout) -> GET myapp.heroku.com/ dyno=web.1 queue= wait= service= status=503 bytes=
The router will enqueue requests for 75 seconds while waiting for starting processes to reach an "up" state. If after 75 seconds, no web processes have reached an "up" state, the router logs H20 and serves a standard error page. ルーターは、"up"の状態に達するまでプロセスを開始するのを待つ一方、75秒間、リクエストをキューに追加して行きます。もし75秒後、webプロセスが"up"の状態に達しなければ、ルータはH20のエラーをログに書き込み、標準のエラーページをを返します。
2010-10-06T21:51:07-07:00 heroku[router]: Error H20 (App boot timeout) -> GET myapp.heroku.com/ dyno= queue= wait=75000ms service= status=503 bytes=
This is not an error, but we give it a code for the sake of completeness. Note the log formatting is the same but without the word "Error". これは、エラーではありませんが、完全性を保つために、エラーコードを返します。ログの出力フォーマットは同じですが、"Error"という単語が含まれていません。
2010-10-06T21:51:07-07:00 heroku[router]: H80 (Maintenance mode) -> GET myapp.heroku.com/ web=none queue=0 wait=0ms service=0ms bytes=0
2010-10-06T21:51:07-07:00 heroku[nginx]: GET / HTTP/1.1 | | 8132 | http | 503
This indicates an internal error in the Heroku platform. Unlike all of the other errors which will require action from you to correct, this one does not require action from you. Try again in a minute, or check the status site. これは、Herokuのプラットフォームにおける内部エラーを示しています。修正を求められるその他のエラーとは反し、特別なアクションは要求されません。再度、すぐにトライしてみて下さい。または、ステータスサイトを確認して下さい。
2010-10-06T21:51:07-07:00 heroku[router]: Error H99 (Platform error) -> GET myapp.heroku.com/ web=none queue=0 wait=0ms service=0ms bytes=0
2010-10-06T21:51:07-07:00 heroku[nginx]: GET / HTTP/1.1 | | 8132 | http | 503
A web process took longer than 60 seconds to bind to its assigned $PORT
. This error is often caused by a process being unable to reach an external resource, such as a database.
2011-05-03T17:31:38+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from created to starting
2011-05-03T17:31:40+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command: `thin -p 22020 -e production -R /home/heroku_rack/heroku.ru start`
2011-05-03T17:32:40+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Error R10 (Boot timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds of launch
2011-05-03T17:32:40+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Stopping process with SIGKILL
2011-05-03T17:32:40+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited
2011-05-03T17:32:41+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed
A process performed an incorrect TCP socket bind. This error is often caused by binding to a port other than the assigned $PORT
. It can also be caused by binding to an interface other than
or *
2011-05-03T17:38:16+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command: `bundle exec ruby web.rb -e production`
2011-05-03T17:38:18+00:00 app[web.1]: == Sinatra/1.2.3 has taken the stage on 4567 for production with backup from Thin
2011-05-03T17:38:18+00:00 app[web.1]: >> Thin web server
2011-05-03T17:38:18+00:00 app[web.1]: >> Maximum connections set to 1024
2011-05-03T17:38:18+00:00 app[web.1]: >> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
2011-05-03T17:38:18+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Error R11 (Bad bind) -> Process bound to port 4567, should be 43411 (see environment variable PORT)
2011-05-03T17:38:18+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Stopping process with SIGKILL
2011-05-03T17:38:18+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited
2011-05-03T17:38:20+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed
A process failed to exit within 10 seconds of being sent a SIGTERM indicating that it should stop. The process is sent SIGKILL to force an exit. プロセスは、10秒後、。SIGKILL
2011-05-03T17:40:10+00:00 app[worker.1]: Working
2011-05-03T17:40:11+00:00 heroku[worker.1]: Stopping process with SIGTERM
2011-05-03T17:40:11+00:00 app[worker.1]: Ignoring SIGTERM
2011-05-03T17:40:14+00:00 app[worker.1]: Working
2011-05-03T17:40:18+00:00 app[worker.1]: Working
2011-05-03T17:40:21+00:00 heroku[worker.1]: Error R12 (Exit timeout) -> Process failed to exit within 10 seconds of SIGTERM
2011-05-03T17:40:21+00:00 heroku[worker.1]: Stopping process with SIGKILL
2011-05-03T17:40:21+00:00 heroku[worker.1]: Process exited
A process started with heroku run
failed to attach to the invoking client.
heroku run
2011-06-29T02:13:29+00:00 app[run.3]: Awaiting client
2011-06-29T02:13:30+00:00 heroku[run.3]: State changed from starting to up
2011-06-29T02:13:59+00:00 app[run.3]: Error R13 (Attach error) -> Failed to attach to process
2011-06-29T02:13:59+00:00 heroku[run.3]: Process exited
A process requires memory in excess of its 512MB quota. If this error occurs, the process will page to swap space to continue running, which may cause degraded process performance. プロセスが、割り当てられた512MBを越えるメモリー量を要求しています。このエラーが発生した場合、実行し続けるために、プロセスはスワッップ領域へページングされます。
2011-05-03T17:40:10+00:00 app[worker.1]: Working
2011-05-03T17:40:10+00:00 heroku[worker.1]: Process running mem=528MB(103.3%)
2011-05-03T17:40:11+00:00 heroku[worker.1]: Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded)
2011-05-03T17:41:52+00:00 app[worker.1]: Working
A processes requires vastly more memory than its 512MB quota and is consuming excessive swap space. If this error occurs, the process will be killed by the platform. プロセスが 割り当てられた512MBを大幅に越えるメモリー量を必要としていて、かつ、大幅にスワップ領域を消費しています。もし、このエラーが発生する場合は、プロセスがプラットフォームにより強制終了されます。
2011-05-03T17:40:10+00:00 app[worker.1]: Working
2011-05-03T17:40:10+00:00 heroku[worker.1]: Process running mem=2565MB(501.0%)
2011-05-03T17:40:11+00:00 heroku[worker.1]: Error R15 (Memory quota vastly exceeded)
2011-05-03T17:40:11+00:00 heroku[worker.1]: Stopping process with SIGKILL
2011-05-03T17:40:12+00:00 heroku[worker.1]: Process exited
An attached process is continuing to run after being sent SIGHUP
when its external connection was closed. This is usually a mistake, though some apps might want to do this intentionally.
2011-05-03T17:32:03+00:00 heroku[run.1]: Awaiting client
2011-05-03T17:32:03+00:00 heroku[run.1]: Starting process with command `bash`
2011-05-03T17:40:11+00:00 heroku[run.1]: Client connection closed. Sending SIGHUP to all processes
2011-05-03T17:40:16+00:00 heroku[run.1]: Client connection closed. Sending SIGHUP to all processes
2011-05-03T17:40:21+00:00 heroku[run.1]: Client connection closed. Sending SIGHUP to all processes
2011-05-03T17:40:26+00:00 heroku[run.1]: Error R16 (Detached) -> An attached process is not responding to SIGHUP after its external connection was closed.
A Logplex drain could not send logs to its destination fast enough to keep up with the volume of logs generated by the application and Logplex has been forced to discard some messages. You will need to investigate reducing the volume of logs generated by your application (e.g. condense multiple logs lines into a smaller, single-line entry) or use a different drain destination that can keep up with the log volume you are producing. Logplexのドレインが、アプリケーションによって生成されるログの量について行けておらず、出力先にログを送れていません。Logplexは、いくつかのメッセージを破棄するよう強制されている状態です。アプリケーションによって生成されるログの量を減らすよう調査する必要があります。(例えば、複数行に出力されるログを、より小さな単一行のログへ圧縮する等)または、生成されるログの量に追いついて行ける別のドレイン(排出)先を使う必要があります。
2011-05-03T17:40:10+00:00 heroku[logplex]: L10 (Drain buffer overflow) -> This drain dropped 1101 messages since 2011-05-03T17:35:00+00:00
A heroku logs --tail session cannot keep up with the volume of logs generated by the application or log channel, and Logplex has discarded some log lines necessary to catch up. To avoid this error you will need run the command on a faster internet connection (increase the rate at which you can receive logs) or you will need to modify your application to reduce the logging volume (decrease the rate at which logs are generated).
Herokuのログ --アプリケーション、またはログのチャンネルが生成するログの量にテイル(追跡)のセッションがついて行けていません。Logplexが追いつこうと、いくつかのログを破棄している状態です。このエラーを回避するには、より高速なインターネット接続(ログを受信出来るレートまで増やして下さい)でコマンドを実行する必要があるでしょう。または、ログの量(ログが生成される割合を減らして下さい)を減らすようアプリケーションを改修する必要があるでしょう。
2011-05-03T17:40:10+00:00 heroku[logplex]: L11 (Tail buffer overflow) -> This tail session dropped 1101 messages since 2011-05-03T17:35:00+00:00