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james tichenor edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 2 revisions

Allow unsafe code in Player

The first time you open a scene you may get this error:

Assets/PolyToolkit/Internal/ImportGltf.cs(976,10): error CS0227: Unsafe code requires the `unsafe' command line option to be specified. Enable "Allow 'unsafe' code" in Player Settings to fix this error.

To fix this in Unity go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Player this will open the Player settings in the Inspector window.

In the inspector window under Settings for iOS is a section of Other Settings. Expand that section Under the Configuration area of Other Settings you will see Allow 'unsafe' Code with a checkbox make sure you check it.

Update Vuforia

You might get a message to update Vuforia. Feel free to update but if you don't things will still work.

What folder to open with Unity

Open the folder Yuxi Examples: YUXI-Mixed-Reality-Hardware-Toolkit -> Unity ->YUXI_Examples

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