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World On My Shoulders

feikwok edited this page Jun 26, 2019 · 2 revisions



  • 1 x Raspberry Pi 3 (Model B)
  • 1 x Adafruit NeoPixel LED Strip with Alligator Clips - 30 LED/m
  • 1 x Adafruit ADS1115 4-channel breakout boards
  • 1 x Adafruit Fadecandy


  • Unity
  • Processing
  • Spacebrew
  • Visual Studio Code (text editor)
  • Mixed Reality Hardware Kit Library
  • NeoPixel library


Assembling hardware and setting up the circuit

  1. Follow the circuit shown in Image 1 below

Connecting Raspberry Pi (“Pi”) to Spacebrew

  1. Set up our Pi to enable access through Wi-Fi instead of USB cable

  2. Install YUXI Mixed Reality Hardware Kit Library (“MRHKL”) onto our Pi

  3. Log in to our Pi using the terminal via ssh: ssh pi @[address our Pi received from wifi router]

  4. Install netatalk by entering: sudo apt-get install netatalk to access our Pi folders through our computer.

Setting up Fadecandy Server to connect with NeoPixel

Using the terminal:

  1. Install sudo apt-get -y install git

  2. Retrieve the Fadecandy software from: git clone git://

  3. Run the following: cd fadecandy/server make submodules make

  4. Once finished, enter: sudo mv fcserver /usr/local/bin

  5. To start the fcserver program automatically when system boots, enter: @sudo nano /etc/rc.local.@

  6. Copy and paste the following just above the final “exit 0” line: /usr/local/bin/fcserver /usr/local/bin/fcserver.json >/var/log/fcserver.log 2>&1 &

  7. Create a new configuration file: sudo nano /usr/local/bin/fcserver.json

  8. Copy and paste the following into the new file:

      "listen": [null, 7890],
      "verbose": true,
      "color": {
              "gamma": 2.5,
              "whitepoint": [0.7, 0.7, 0.7]

      "devices": [
                      "type": "fadecandy",
                      "serial": "[Serial Number]",
                      "map": [
                              [ 0,   0,   0,  0 ],
                              [ 0,   60,  64, 29 ],
                              [ 0,  120, 128, 29 ],
                              [ 0,  180, 192, 29 ],
                              [ 0,  240, 256, 29 ],
                              [ 0,  300, 320, 29 ],
                              [ 0,  360, 384, 29 ],
                              [ 0,  420, 448, 29 ]

Notes: Replace “X” with the number of LEDs your NeoPixel strip contains. Locate serial number by connecting our Fadecandy board to a USB port. A message with our serial number will show: USB device Fadecandy (Serial# TVUCPRXHXJQJOFKR, Version 1.07) attached. Copy this serial number to the serial line in the fcserver.json file

  1. Reboot our Pi by entering sudo reboot

  2. After rebooting, enter tail -f /var/log/fcserver.log to verify that the Fadecandy server is running without problems.

System Architecture

Processing is a hub that communicates between the Spacebrew and Fadecandy servers. When a collision event is triggered in Unity, Unity publishes a value which is sent to the Fadecandy server through Processing (via the Spacebrew server, Processing and our Pi), thereby lighting up an LED. The Spacebrew server also has a “Slider Range Control Example” that allows for manual manipulation of the LEDs.

Fadecandy is connected with the Raspberry Pi to operate as a controller of the LEDs.

Spacebrew is a platform that allows communication between Processing and Unity and external controllers (e.g., Slider Range Example).

Getting Processing to talk with Spacebrew:

  1. Import the code below into Processing
import spacebrew.*;

// Update string server IP with our Spacebrew server IP
String server=""; 

// Name of our subscriber in the Spacebrew server
String name="FadeCandyExample";
String description ="Client that sends and receives range messages. Range values go from 0 to 1023.";

// This is our start value of the remote slider on Spacebrew   
int remote_slider_val = 512;

Spacebrew sb;

// Number of LEDS used in our project 
int numLEDS = 29;
int incomingMappedValue;

// OPC is not a library that can be downloaded. A new tab must be created separately for the OPC code to run. The OPC code will be provided further below.
OPC opc;

PImage dot;

void setup()
  size(800, 200);

  // Instantiate the spacebrewConnection variable
  sb = new Spacebrew( this );

  // Declare our subscribers
  sb.addSubscribe( "remote_slider", "range" );

  // Connect!  
  sb.connect(server, name, description );
  // Load a sample image
  dot = loadImage("color-dot.png");

  // Connect to the local instance of the fcserver, the Fadecandy server created earlier. Replace the below IP address with the IP address of our Raspberry Pi. 
  opc = new OPC(this, "", 7890);

  // Map one 30-LED strip to the center of the window
  //opc.ledStrip(0, 30, width/2, height/2, width / 70.0, 0, false);
  colorMode(HSB, 100);

void draw()

void onRangeMessage( String name, int value ){
  println("got range message " + name + " : " + value);
  remote_slider_val = value;

  // Take incoming range value that will be between 0 and 1023
  // Map that value to the number of LEDS
  incomingMappedValue = int(map(remote_slider_val, 0, 1023, 0, numLEDS));

  // Call the draw with that number and light that many LEDS

void drawToLEDS(int _numOfLEDS) {
    for (int i = 0; i < numLEDS; i++) {
    if (i < _numOfLEDS) {
      opc.setPixel(i, color(255, 255, 255));
    } else {
      opc.setPixel(i, color(0, 0, 0));
// When you haven't assigned any LEDs to pixels, you have to explicitly write them to the server. Otherwise, this happens automatically after draw().

  1. In a new tab under the same sketch, import the following for the OPC:
 * Simple Open Pixel Control client for Processing,
 * designed to sample each LED's color from some point on the canvas.
 * Micah Elizabeth Scott, 2013
 * This file is released into the public domain.

import java.util.Arrays;

public class OPC implements Runnable
  Thread thread;
  Socket socket;
  OutputStream output, pending;
  String host;
  int port;

  int[] pixelLocations;
  byte[] packetData;
  byte firmwareConfig;
  String colorCorrection;
  boolean enableShowLocations;

  OPC(PApplet parent, String host, int port) = host;
    this.port = port;
    thread = new Thread(this);
    this.enableShowLocations = true;
    parent.registerMethod("draw", this);

  // Set the location of a single LED
  void led(int index, int x, int y)  
 // For convenience, automatically grow the pixelLocations array. We do want this to be an array,
// instead of a HashMap, to keep draw() as fast as it can be.
    if (pixelLocations == null) {
      pixelLocations = new int[index + 1];
    } else if (index >= pixelLocations.length) {
      pixelLocations = Arrays.copyOf(pixelLocations, index + 1);

    pixelLocations[index] = x + width * y;
  // Set the location of several LEDs arranged in a strip.
  // Angle is in radians, measured clockwise from +X.
  // (x,y) is the center of the strip.
  void ledStrip(int index, int count, float x, float y, float spacing, float angle, boolean reversed)
    float s = sin(angle);
    float c = cos(angle);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      led(reversed ? (index + count - 1 - i) : (index + i),
        (int)(x + (i - (count-1)/2.0) * spacing * c + 0.5),
        (int)(y + (i - (count-1)/2.0) * spacing * s + 0.5));

  // Set the locations of a ring of LEDs. The center of the ring is at (x, y),
  // with "radius" pixels between the center and each LED. The first LED is at
  // the indicated angle, in radians, measured clockwise from +X.
  void ledRing(int index, int count, float x, float y, float radius, float angle)
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      float a = angle + i * 2 * PI / count;
      led(index + i, (int)(x - radius * cos(a) + 0.5),
        (int)(y - radius * sin(a) + 0.5));

  // Set the location of several LEDs arranged in a grid. The first strip is
  // at 'angle', measured in radians clockwise from +X.
  // (x,y) is the center of the grid.
  void ledGrid(int index, int stripLength, int numStrips, float x, float y,
               float ledSpacing, float stripSpacing, float angle, boolean zigzag,
               boolean flip)
    float s = sin(angle + HALF_PI);
    float c = cos(angle + HALF_PI);
    for (int i = 0; i < numStrips; i++) {
      ledStrip(index + stripLength * i, stripLength,
        x + (i - (numStrips-1)/2.0) * stripSpacing * c,
        y + (i - (numStrips-1)/2.0) * stripSpacing * s, ledSpacing,
        angle, zigzag && ((i % 2) == 1) != flip);

  // Set the location of 64 LEDs arranged in a uniform 8x8 grid.
  // (x,y) is the center of the grid.
  void ledGrid8x8(int index, float x, float y, float spacing, float angle, boolean zigzag,
                  boolean flip)
    ledGrid(index, 8, 8, x, y, spacing, spacing, angle, zigzag, flip);

  // Should the pixel sampling locations be visible? This helps with debugging.
  // Showing locations is enabled by default. You might need to disable it if our drawing
  // is interfering with your processing sketch, or if you'd simply like the screen to be
  // less cluttered.
  void showLocations(boolean enabled)
    enableShowLocations = enabled;
  // Enable or disable dithering. Dithering avoids the "stair-stepping" artifact and increases color
  // resolution by quickly jittering between adjacent 8-bit brightness levels about 400 times a second.
  // Dithering is on by default.
  void setDithering(boolean enabled)
    if (enabled)
      firmwareConfig &= ~0x01;
      firmwareConfig |= 0x01;

  // Enable or disable frame interpolation. Interpolation automatically blends between consecutive frames
  // in hardware, and it does so with 16-bit per channel resolution. Combined with dithering, this helps make
  // fades very smooth. Interpolation is on by default.
  void setInterpolation(boolean enabled)
    if (enabled)
      firmwareConfig &= ~0x02;
      firmwareConfig |= 0x02;

  // Put the Fadecandy onboard LED under automatic control. It blinks any time the firmware processes a packet.
  // This is the default configuration for the LED.
  void statusLedAuto()
    firmwareConfig &= 0x0C;

  // Manually turn the Fadecandy onboard LED on or off. This disables automatic LED control.
  void setStatusLed(boolean on)
    firmwareConfig |= 0x04;   // Manual LED control
    if (on)
      firmwareConfig |= 0x08;
      firmwareConfig &= ~0x08;

  // Set the color correction parameters
  void setColorCorrection(float gamma, float red, float green, float blue)
    colorCorrection = "{ \"gamma\": " + gamma + ", \"whitepoint\": [" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + "]}";
  // Set custom color correction parameters from a string
  void setColorCorrection(String s)
    colorCorrection = s;

  // Send a packet with the current firmware configuration settings
  void sendFirmwareConfigPacket()
    if (pending == null) {
      // We'll do this when we reconnect
    byte[] packet = new byte[9];
    packet[0] = (byte)0x00; // Channel (reserved)
    packet[1] = (byte)0xFF; // Command (System Exclusive)
    packet[2] = (byte)0x00; // Length high byte
    packet[3] = (byte)0x05; // Length low byte
    packet[4] = (byte)0x00; // System ID high byte
    packet[5] = (byte)0x01; // System ID low byte
    packet[6] = (byte)0x00; // Command ID high byte
    packet[7] = (byte)0x02; // Command ID low byte
    packet[8] = (byte)firmwareConfig;

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

  // Send a packet with the current color correction settings
  void sendColorCorrectionPacket()
    if (colorCorrection == null) {
      // No color correction defined
    if (pending == null) {
      // We'll do this when we reconnect

    byte[] content = colorCorrection.getBytes();
    int packetLen = content.length + 4;
    byte[] header = new byte[8];
    header[0] = (byte)0x00;               // Channel (reserved)
    header[1] = (byte)0xFF;               // Command (System Exclusive)
    header[2] = (byte)(packetLen >> 8);   // Length high byte
    header[3] = (byte)(packetLen & 0xFF); // Length low byte
    header[4] = (byte)0x00;               // System ID high byte
    header[5] = (byte)0x01;               // System ID low byte
    header[6] = (byte)0x00;               // Command ID high byte
    header[7] = (byte)0x01;               // Command ID low byte

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

  // Automatically called at the end of each draw().
  // This handles the automatic Pixel to LED mapping.
  // If you aren't using that mapping, this function has no effect.
  // In that case, you can call setPixelCount(), setPixel(), and writePixels()
  // separately.
  void draw()
    if (pixelLocations == null) {
      // No pixels defined yet
    if (output == null) {

    int numPixels = pixelLocations.length;
    int ledAddress = 4;


    for (int i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) {
      int pixelLocation = pixelLocations[i];
      int pixel = pixels[pixelLocation];

      packetData[ledAddress] = (byte)(pixel >> 16);
      packetData[ledAddress + 1] = (byte)(pixel >> 8);
      packetData[ledAddress + 2] = (byte)pixel;
      ledAddress += 3;

      if (enableShowLocations) {
        pixels[pixelLocation] = 0xFFFFFF ^ pixel;


    if (enableShowLocations) {
  // Change the number of pixels in our output packet.
  // This is normally not needed; the output packet is automatically sized
  // by draw() and by setPixel().
  void setPixelCount(int numPixels)
    int numBytes = 3 * numPixels;
    int packetLen = 4 + numBytes;
    if (packetData == null || packetData.length != packetLen) {
      // Set up our packet buffer
      packetData = new byte[packetLen];
      packetData[0] = (byte)0x00;              // Channel
      packetData[1] = (byte)0x00;              // Command (Set pixel colors)
      packetData[2] = (byte)(numBytes >> 8);   // Length high byte
      packetData[3] = (byte)(numBytes & 0xFF); // Length low byte
  // Directly manipulate a pixel in the output buffer. This isn't needed
  // for pixels that are mapped to the screen.
  void setPixel(int number, color c)
    int offset = 4 + number * 3;
    if (packetData == null || packetData.length < offset + 3) {
      setPixelCount(number + 1);

    packetData[offset] = (byte) (c >> 16);
    packetData[offset + 1] = (byte) (c >> 8);
    packetData[offset + 2] = (byte) c;
  // Read a pixel from the output buffer. If the pixel was mapped to the display,
  // this returns the value we captured on the previous frame.
  color getPixel(int number)
    int offset = 4 + number * 3;
    if (packetData == null || packetData.length < offset + 3) {
      return 0;
    return (packetData[offset] << 16) | (packetData[offset + 1] << 8) | packetData[offset + 2];

  // Transmit our current buffer of pixel values to the OPC server. This is handled
  // automatically in draw() if any pixels are mapped to the screen, but if you haven't
  // mapped any pixels to the screen you'll want to call this directly.
  void writePixels()
    if (packetData == null || packetData.length == 0) {
      // No pixel buffer
    if (output == null) {

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

  void dispose()
    // Destroy the socket. Called internally when we've disconnected.
    // (Thread continues to run)
    if (output != null) {
      println("Disconnected from OPC server");
    socket = null;
    output = pending = null;

  public void run()
    // Thread tests server connection periodically, attempts reconnection.
    // Important for OPC arrays; faster startup, client continues
    // to run smoothly when mobile servers go in and out of range.
    for(;;) {

      if(output == null) { // No OPC connection?
        try {              // Make one!
          socket = new Socket(host, port);
          pending = socket.getOutputStream(); // Avoid race condition...
          println("Connected to OPC server");
          sendColorCorrectionPacket();        // These write to 'pending'
          sendFirmwareConfigPacket();         // rather than 'output' before
          output = pending;                   // rest of code given access.
          // pending not set null, more config packets are OK!
        } catch (ConnectException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

      // Pause thread to avoid massive CPU load
      try {
      catch(InterruptedException e) {

Building a virtual environment in Unity

  1. Create a GameObject in the form of a sphere (“Sphere”) .

  2. Create a second GameObject in the form of a cube (“Cube”) and transform it to obtain properties of a floor, for the sphere to collide against.

  3. Copy and paste the following code under our Cube by adding a new script under new component, named CollisionEvents:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class CollisionEvents : MonoBehaviour {

	 public GameObject spacebrewScript;
	 int collisionCount=0;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {

	public GameObject cloneScript;	
	void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision){
		// cloneScript.GetComponent<AddElements>().makeObject();	
		Debug.Log("collision started");

	void OnCollisionStay (Collision collision){
		Debug.Log("Stay occuring..");

	void OnCollisionExit (Collision collision)
		collisionCount += 8;
		if( == "Cube")
		Debug.Log("Exit called...");
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {

Note: Do not change the title “CollisionEvents”. Otherwise, the code will not work.


  1. When “OnCollisionExit” (the “Event”) is triggered in Unity (e.g., where the sphere exits the plane), a signal is sent to Spacebrew with a value of 9 which translates to 1 LED light.

  2. Using 30 LED lights, the equivalent of 1 LED light in the range 0-1023 is 36.

  3. Due to the physics engine, the Event is triggered 4 times while the GameObject rolls outside of the plane.

  4. To give physics to the Sphere and the Cube, add a new component titled Rigidbody.

  5. Create an empty object named “Cloner”.

  6. Copy and paste the following code under our Cloner object by adding a new script under new component, named AddElements:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class AddElements : MonoBehaviour {

public GameObject startGO;
public GameObject copyGO;
public void makeObject ()
		//Debug.Log("Make object called");
		Vector3 startPos;
		Quaternion startRotation;

		startPos = startGO.transform.position;
		startRotation = startGO.transform.rotation; 

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {

	// Update is called once per frame
  void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))

Note: Do not change the title “AddElements”. Otherwise, the code will not work.

  1. Under the Add Elements script, drag Cloner to the StartGo box and Sphere to the CopyGo box.

System Diagram


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