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Immersive 18 IDP Projects

james tichenor edited this page Jun 25, 2018 · 21 revisions


Please EDIT THIS PAGE so that your teams Title, OLC, Team members are correct. PLEASE MAKE THE TITLE A LINK TO YOUR PAGE An OLC is a "one line concept" its a simple sentence that describes the core idea of your project. Its similar to an elevator pitch or an abstract but just a single line.


X: Example Lights and Buttons, Learn to connect sensors and actuators to AR with mixed reality toolkit, James, Josh

1: SpacePainter, 3D drawing in a shared AR environment by using multiple devices at once, Mantas, Federico, Andrea

2: Bowling, OLC, Sareena, Shalin, Varenya

3: Futurecasting, OLC, Micol, Sami, Jing

4: T Shirt, OLC, Fahmida, Abhishek, Raphael

5: Cult, OLC, Surojit, Anna, Axel, Yuxi

6: Storybook, Storybook is an AR storybook experience which allows children to explore their imagination by viewing stories in augmented technology, creating their own endings with interactive characters, and recording their play, Chaeri, Sindhu

7: DataTrail, Data Trail visualizes the trace of people’s mobile activity as they move from place to place, Reuben, Juliana, Raunaq

8: Touch, OLC, Rina, Julius, Alex

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