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Futurecasting project

MicGale edited this page Jun 22, 2018 · 3 revisions


EACH TEAM is writing 3 pieces of feedback for EVERY OTHER TEAM and their own. This feedback should be 3 suggestions of what you think they should work on next. Think about what parts of the project are working well that they should double down on. What parts of the demo were confusing or mismatched what they said. And what do you think is the eye of the duck.

Self Reflection:

9: Example - Lights and Buttons [REPLACE WITH YOUR TEAM], Learn to connect sensors and actuators to AR with mixed reality toolkit, James, Josh[REPLACE WITH YOUR TEAM]

  1. Hardware button does not work reliably, Find way to 'debounce' button so that the interaction is more consistent, currently the hardware and software can get out of sync and it is confusing to use.[REPLACE WITH YOUR SELF FEEDBACK]

  2. Make the software button work in Unity so that it can support the workflow of editing and debugging on computer, many people did not even try the software button because of the steps to upload it to the ipad.[REPLACE WITH YOUR SELF FEEDBACK]

  3. We think your Eye of the Duck is the moment when you push the hardware button and the virtual light turns off and on. it is a great moment and tells the story of the possibilities of connecting the physical and virtual. You should celebrate and amplify this moment, maybe make the light cone brighter or the lamp bigger or look at ambient light detection to make it seem more like light.[REPLACE WITH YOUR SELF FEEDBACK]

Other Teams:

1: Graffiti, Mantas, Federico, Andrea

  1. For graffiti to take the most advantage of the 3D space, it would be very powerful to be able to use occlusion to put the user or view in the middle of the 3D graffiti – though this may be a huge technical challenge, the payoff could be huge.
  2. There is something interesting in the way the demo turned into tracking someone movement in the building and going through the walls, and this opens interesting possibilities to pivot the concept. For example, it would be interesting what could be learned from watching someone go inside the building from the point of view of someone standing outside and what it could reveal about the building.
  3. I think a place worth exploring is the role of time in your project, with the passing of time would all the graffiti remain as they were when they were done because we are in a virtual world or would they feel the effect of time as they would in the physical world? In both cases I think it can be interesting to think about the layering of the graffiti, could it be possible to interact with them and bring to surface one we choose to see it in its complexity or would the new layer erase what is below (as it happens in the physical world)?

2: Bowling, Sareena, Shalin, Varenya

  1. I want to get this off my chest – I think ice curling would be an incredible application for this, seriously. In general the execution really works, perhaps to make the rolling of the virtual ball more physical you could put objects that reacted to that ball along the way – like a shadow, so the viewers could follow the the path.
  2. I think that the power of the concept lays in the physical effect a virtual action has, I think it could be interesting to explore the possibility of expanding the interaction to objects in the room, instead of making the bowling pins and having to place them, thinking about the possibility of using elements of the environments as pins (of course for the purpose of the demo it would require a bit of faking but we are designing for the future) I think this could increase the engagement with the game.
  3. The idea of playing a game of throw in XR is really interesting because it takes away the bad aspects of it, which is when someone throws wrong and breaks everything, or just disturbs someone but still makes it tangible like an AR bowling alley wouldn’t. Going further it could be fun to explore the way a project like this can bring playfulness to a public space and how that would transform the space.

4: T Shirt, Fahmida, Abhishek, Raphael

  1. I found the concept of using the graphics on the T-shirt as fiducial to expand self expression on a 3D virtual space pretty interesting and I think it came through pretty clearly however I think it would be interesting and worth exploring more all the possibility of having a 3D space, without limiting it to the surface of the fiducial but going beyond and around it
  2. In the demo, the way you would discover the augmented T-Shirt was through a computer. For the next steps, it would be interesting to lean into the way someone would use this to read people’s clothes, and the details of the interaction of being a reader, whether that would be the wearer of the clothing or someone else.
  3. The idea of “augmenting self expression” using fashion and AR is a powerful one, I would lean more into that spirit – I would be interested to see other renders representative of “self-expression” rather than a cityscape which, while interesting, seems like a small step in the opposite of “self expression” (unless you really LOVE New york city) – if that was the case it would have been interesting to have the fiducial as the classic I <3 NYC t-shirt. Think about ways you would ‘self-express’ in AR and tie it a little closer to the fiducial.

5: Cult, Surojit, Anna, Yuxi, Axel

  1. I think it could be interesting develop it in a way that it is possible to show both sides of the experience, being our face replaced with Yuxi’s and being Yuxi
  2. The experience of seeing yourself through the eyes was really powerful in itself and the storytelling did something interesting in trying to bring meaning into the experience. Building on these two elements, you could wrap the experience by culminating the edge every participant feels into an interaction between the god and its subject. By doing this, you could complete everybody’s role in the story. These roles could be adjusted to the feedback you received from every participant about the way they felt.
  3. Cult is a fascinating idea, the feedback from Yuxi that being the “leader” felt extremely constraining and not at all powerful was really interesting and I think the concept and philosophy behind it is the most engaging part of the Cult of Yuxi. That surrealism is the eye of the duck and should be leaned into.

6: Storybook, Chaeri, Sindhu

  1. I found the duplication of the fiducial on the camera and the 3D render on the camera to be a little distracting – especially when the fiducial and the character didn’t match up. It could be really interesting to see if you could make the character more responsive to hand movements and render the fiducial invisible or cover it up something. In this way the user could focus on one character and the story it told.
  2. About the demo : if the experience occurs at the end of reading the story, it’s safe to assume that the users would feel quite absorbed by the story when they reach this AR experience. When demoing, you don’t get to read the entire book to us, but what if you tried to recreate that feeling before jumping into the demo, telling the story like Sindhu did (“once upon a time…”).
  3. I think that having a plant of the house instead of a frontal view of the fireplace could help understanding better

7: DataTrail, Reuben, Juliana, Raunaq

  1. As you plan to make the packets more related to meaningful data, it would be interesting to see if you could try to make a data reader or something that interacted with the virtual data – either a data geiger counter.
  2. Considering the world we live in today with data mining and Cambridge Analytica fuss and all, and considering your project as a way to make people conscious of their “data spreading/leaking (?)” I think that it could be worth exploring a visualization in relation to the type of data (maybe if I am sharing too much on facebook) or my behaviour online (agreeing to track position or my navigation to many different apps and sites) then the dimension or the quantity of the bits of data I am spreading around could change accordingly
  3. The core part to the project is that the data you see is being dropped by our devices. Although it’s almost there, there could be a more obvious way for first tryers to immediately get that the balls they are visualizing is the data that is generated by the devices live. Start by bringing the focus to a third person bystander witnessing devices dropping their data before asking someone to try and drop data themselves.

8: Touch, Rina, Julius, Alex

  1. The touch of the fruit felt a little disconnected from the concept of a tinderbox. It could be powerful to attach the sensation of the object to a visual component in the render. E.g. make the fruit the handle for the face or just the nose and have the human face deform to the movement from the slider.
  2. I am not sure if the concept was a critique to tinder as a continuous categorization of human beings based on the appearance or was a transposition of the app from the 2D space of a phone to the 3D of the virtual world. In the critique could be made more clear, for instance making the heart and the toss as actual buckets and the more you swipe the more people fill the buckets, so it is more clear and direct In the other case, I would reconsider the mango as interface.
  3. Building the app simulator into a VR environment was quite interesting because it seems to point out that in the future, apps would be dedicated rooms. Although it is not the focus of the project, it would be interesting to see how you integrate the decision of the environnement you chose into the concept.
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