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Bible Characters

Eliran Wong edited this page Jul 13, 2022 · 2 revisions

Bible Characters

This wiki page introduces how to use Unique Bible App menu plugin "Bible Characters".




From left to right, there are five main sections, as illustrated below:


Sections 1 and 2 are designed for doing searches.

Sections 3 to 5 are designed to display Bible People data when a person is selected for study.

Users can select a person for study by clicking a name in section 1, 2 or 3.

Section 1 - Search by Bible Reference

Enter a bible reference in the search field of section 1 to filter names according to the entered reference.

You can limit the search scope to book, chapter or verse.

Section 2 - Search by Name

Enter a name in the search field of section 2 to filter results displayed below the search field.

Section 3 - Display Related People

When a person is selected for study, related people of the selected person are displayed in this section.

Section 4 - Display Scripture

When a person is selected for study, verses containing the selected person are displayed in this section.

Select a verse reference in this section displays its verse text in the text view located below the verse list.

The "Open" button at the bottom opens the selected verse reference on Bible Window.

Section 5 - Display Exhaustive Library Article

When a person is selected for study, an Exhaustive Library of Bible People article on the selected person is displayed in this section.

The "Display on Study Window" button at the bottom opens the article on Study Window.

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