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Eliran Wong edited this page Jan 25, 2021 · 3 revisions


This is a configuration option to tell the Unique Bible App desktop version that you prefer to use "Remote Control" window to enter command line. We add this feature as a enhancement in general and a workaround addressed to a Chrome OS issue.

Original issue:

Where to turn ON / OFF this option?

You can access and change this option via menu bar:

Menu > UniqueBible > Select More ... > preferRemoteControlForCommandLineEntry


When this feature is turned ON, "Remote Control" window is automatically opened or activated in the following cases:

  • users "ctrl + o" key combination
  • users hit the "TAB" key in keyboard
  • a command line prefix is added programmatically to main window's command line field when users click certain buttons

Save time from typing command prefix

The Remote Control are not only opened in these cases, the text in the main window command line field are automatically copied to the command line field of the Remote Control window.

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