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Shortcut Keys

Oliver Tseng edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 16 revisions

Pressing the Tab key will focus on the text command line for manually entering a command.

Pressing the Esc key will toggle the visibility of the toolbars.

Pressing Ctrl-Z will close the Master Control panel.

All other shortcut key strokes are displayed next to the menu items.

Shortcut keys can either be a 1-stroke or 2-stroke shortcut. 1-stroke shortcuts requires pressing the Ctrl key (or Cmd key on Macs) and shortcut key simultaneously. 2-stroke shortcuts require pressing the Ctrl key and first shortcut key simultaneously, then letting go of both keys, then pressing the second key.

There are currently three defined sets of shortcut key definitions: brachys, micron, and syntemno.

You can view the currently defined shortcuts with "Display Shortcuts" in the menu.

Custom shortcut key definitions

You can define your own sets of shortcut key definitions. Copy and name it (or anything you want as long as it matches the pattern shortcut_*.py). Modify in an editor with the shortcut keys you want to use. When you launch UBA, you'll see myshortcuts as a selection for shortcut options in the menu. Any file that matches shortcut_*.py will be loaded into the menu. The selected shortcut definition will then be set as the default shortcut key definition after UBA is restarted.

If you edit, delete the existing in order for UBA to load the new settings. Every time UBA starts, it checks the file. If it missing or blank, it will regenerate based on hardcoded settings or regenerate it based on the custom shortcut file. If has the correct number of lines, it will not regenerate the file. So, even if file has changed, it will not pick up the changes from unless you delete or reselect it as a shortcut in the menu.

There is one special shortcut - masterHideKeyCode. It is only a single letter. It will automatically be combined with the Ctrl to close the Master Control window.

When defining a custom shortcut, make sure you do not set a 2-stroke shortcut that starts with a 1-stroke shortcut. Otherwise the 2-stroke shortcuts will not work. For example, if "Ctrl-F" is defined, then "Crtl-F, 1" will not work.

Do not delete any lines from your shortcut file, otherwise the app will not start. If you want to unassign a shortcut, set the value to empty string or None.

It is not possible to add a new definition unless the code also changes. Currently, you can only modify a shortcut key definition. Contact the developers if you want to add a new shortcut key assignment.

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