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GitHub Personal Access Token

Oliver Tseng edited this page Jul 30, 2022 · 4 revisions

Having a GitHub personal access token (PAT) will allow you to access your personal private repos. Normally, if you create a personal repo, you would have to make it a public repo and all UBA users can access it. But, if you want to make it a private repo and not allow other UBA users to access it, then you will need your own PAT to access it.

How to setup a personal access token (PAT)

In your GitHub account, go to Profile/Settings/Developer Settings/Personal Access Tokens.

Click "Generate New Token".

Enter "UBA" for note and select unlimited expiration. Check "Full control of private repositories". Click "Generate". It will then create a token like "ghp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Copy this value. Create the directory structure under the UBA root as "secrets/github". In this directory, create a file "pat.txt" and paste the generated PAT into it.

To see if it gets loaded correctly, set config.developer config value to True. When UBA starts up, it should print "Using secrets/github/pat.txt".


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