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Open Compare Parallel Verses with

Eliran Wong edited this page Apr 7, 2021 · 3 revisions

Open / Compare / Parallel Verses with

These features are available via context menu.

These open / compare / parallel selected verse reference(s) with selected bible version.

When compare / parallel is triggered, selected bible version is compared or listed in parallel with the currently opened bible version.

When there is no bible verse reference in the selected text, the currently opened bible version is changed to the selected version.


  1. Users select a verse reference or multiple references

  2. Right-click, select "Open / Compare / Parallel Verses with"

  3. Select a bible version.


To work with these features better, standard verse parsing is recommended instead of fast verse parsing. Read more information about it at:

The following example only works with standard verse parsing.

If you use fast verse parsing, you need to select precisely a verse reference. Multiple references in many cases do not work with fast verse parsing, as there are often mixed text between references. When fast verse parsing finds no reference it searches the selected text, rather then opening the selected bible version.

An example

This following example show how "Open Verses with" work. "Compare / Parallel Verses with" operates in a similar way.

In this example, we have Genesis 1:1 KJV opened on the left window, and corresponding cross-references on the right window.

Select a block of text, which include several verse references. Then, select a bible version.

You can see the result below that the verse references are opened with the selected bible version.

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