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Search morphology

Oliver Tseng edited this page Aug 2, 2021 · 11 revisions

Search Morphology

Open our formatted Hebrew & Greek Bibles (e.g. MOB, MIB, MTB, MPB, MAB, OHGB, OHGBi) on

To search for morphology, double click a Hebrew / Greek word

Specify Morphology Item(s)

You can limit the scope of your search by selecting morphology items that you look for.

If none is selected, all morphology items are included by default.

Specify Corresponding Interlinear Translation

From version 21.53, you can further limit the scope of search by selecting corresponding interlinear translations that you look you.

You can select interlinear translation from the drop-down menu right under morphology items on the dialog window appeared by double-clicking a Hebrew / Greek word.

If none is selected, all translations are include by default.

Search with single-line command

You can use MORPHOLOGY::: keyword to search for morphology, for examples:

MORPHOLOGY:::LexicalEntry LIKE '%G746,%' AND Morphology LIKE '%Singular%' AND (Interlinear LIKE '%rule%' OR Interlinear LIKE '%ruler%')

If you simply want to search a Strong's number together with a particular translation without selecting morphology, e.g.

MORPHOLOGY:::LexicalEntry LIKE '%G746,%' AND (Interlinear LIKE '%rule%' OR Interlinear LIKE '%ruler%')

If you want to search for dynamic translation [the last item in MIB] rather than interlinear translation [the second-to-last item in MIB], e.g.

MORPHOLOGY:::LexicalEntry LIKE '%G746,%' AND Morphology LIKE '%Singular%' AND (Translation LIKE '%rule%' OR Translation LIKE '%ruler%')

MORPHOLOGY:::LexicalEntry LIKE '%G746,%' AND (Translation LIKE '%rule%' OR Translation LIKE '%ruler%')

Remarks: Interlinear translations is more reliable for dynamic translations in terms of mapping their corresponding Hebrew / Greek words.

Distinct Translation

To use command line for search, you may want to know what interlinear translations or dynamic translations are available for search.

To have an overview of distinct interlinear translation, use DISTINCTINTERLINEAR::: keyword, e.g.


To have an overview of distinct dynamic translation, use DISTINCTTRANSLATION::: keyword, e.g.


Search from Master Control panel

You can also search our formatted Concordance modules accessed from Master Control panel "Search" tab (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F):

  1. Enter a lexical entry in the search field as illustrated with screenshot below

  2. Select from dropdown menu "ConcordanceBook" or "ConcordanceMorphology"

  3. Press the button "Hebrew / Greek Lexicon" to perform a search.

Morphology search tab

You can also do morphology searches from the Morphology search tab.

The type determines what you search by. Lexical refers to a Strongs number. Word is the original language word. Gloss is the English equivalent word. You can hover over these words to see a quick example.

Examples of terms to search for using Lexical type: H430, G2316

Examples of terms to search for using Word type: אֱלֹהִ֑ים, Θεός

Example of term to search for using Gloss type: god

To search, enter the term in the search bar under the morphology tab, select the starting book and ending book, select the type and part of speech. Then optionally select morphology information to filter by. Hit the Search button.

The search results will be displayed in the Study window.

The addOHGBiToMorphologySearch config flag controls if the verse from OHGBi Bible will also be displayed.

The maximumOHGBiVersesDisplayedInSearchResult config controls the maximum number of verses to be displayed from OHGBi Bible.


How to display all the different morphological usages of a particular word




This will display all the verses with Jesus in it and group them by case.

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