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Set up bible audio on Http server

Eliran Wong edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 5 revisions

Set up bible audio on Http-server

This apply to setup of public server, local server, or running UBA on Android with Termux.

Download audio bibles to audio folder

  1. Create "bibles" directory, if it does not exist:

cd UniqueBible/audio

mkdir "bibles"

  1. Install bible audio

Check for available audio bibles, for examples, repositories starting from "MP3_" at

For example, to install KJV (British accents)

cd UniqueBible/audio/bibles

mkdir KJV

cd KJV

git clone

mv MP3_KingJamesVersion_british default

cp ../../../util/ default/

cd default


rm *.zip

Link Audio Folder for Http Access

cd UniqueBible/htmlResources

ln -s ../audio/ audio

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