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Webtop Version RECOMMENDED

Eliran Wong edited this page Feb 19, 2022 · 10 revisions

Unique Bible App [weptop version]

Unique Bible App desktop version runs on Arch Linux webtop

We create a docker image to help Unique Bible App users to install and run full desktop version with minimum effort.

With docker installed, you simply need a web browser to access Unique Bible App desktop version, even OFFLINE.


We recommend our users to use this webtop version for running Unique Bible App, so they may get the most of our Unique Bible App. We integrated some extra features to the webtop version, e.g. Google text-to-speech feature, menu to desktop GUI applications.

There are other different ways to install Unique Bible App, but setup of essentail packages and dependencies may be challenging to non-technical users. Therefore, we package and setup everything for you, to save you from all the troubles.

Using webtop version of Unique Bible App also gives you a unified experience across different operating systems or platforms, e.g. Windows, macOS (both Intel & Apple chips are supported), ChromeOS, Linux distributions.

On top of our standard docker image, we have customised an additional image for users running macOS with Apple chips, e.g. M1. You may check our notes below for more details.


Screenshot 2022-02-18 at 19 09 09

About Unique Bible App

About Webtop

By webtop, we mean running desktop or desktop applications on a web browser.

Storage Size

You need 11.51GB on your computer to install our webtop version.

Yes, it is huge, because we try our best to package everything for you.

Install Docker FIRST

If you have not installed docker, install it first!

Docker is cross-platform. You can run it on Windows, macOS, Linux and ChromeOS.

You may check our notes about docker setup at:

Or learn more about docker at

For end-users

We provide three different images to suit different users (differences are highlighted in bold below), select one to fit your operation system:

With docker installed FIRST, run:

Option (1) - On Apple macOS (Apple chip M1):

Read FIRST at:

docker run -d --name=uniquebibleapp --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -e PUID=501 -e PGID=20 -e TZ=Europe/London -e SUBFOLDER=/ -e KEYBOARD=en-gb-qwerty -p 3000:3000 -v ~/uniquebibleapp-webtop:/config -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/.config/pulse:/config/.config/pulse --shm-size="1gb" --restart unless-stopped eliranwong/uniquebibleappapplechip

Option (2) - On Apple macOS (Intel chip):

Read FIRST at:

docker run -d --name=uniquebibleapp --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -e PUID=501 -e PGID=20 -e TZ=Europe/London -e SUBFOLDER=/ -e KEYBOARD=en-gb-qwerty -p 3000:3000 -v ~/uniquebibleapp-webtop:/config -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/.config/pulse:/config/.config/pulse --shm-size="1gb" --restart unless-stopped eliranwong/uniquebibleappaudiotweaked

Option (3) - Other Operation systems (e.g. Windows, Linux, ChomeOS):

A single-line command to setup everything:

sudo docker run -d --name=uniquebibleapp --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 -e TZ=Europe/London -e SUBFOLDER=/ -e KEYBOARD=en-gb-qwerty -p 3000:3000 -v ~/uniquebibleapp-webtop:/config -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --shm-size="1gb" --restart unless-stopped eliranwong/uniquebibleapp


  1. Check host user id, by running the following command and change "-e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000" if applicable

id [username]

  1. "~/uniquebibleapp-webtop" is the local path for storing webtop home directory. You may change to suit your own needs. For example, you can change it to "~/Documents" so that your webtop home directory matches and shares your Documents folder, located in your host home directory. However, do not use "~/", which means your home directory, because your host home directory may have files of the same filenames as those in the webtop home directory, e.g. .bashrc.

  2. You only need to execute one of the three options above, according to your computer operation system.

  3. This command is for setup ONLY. You only need to excecute this ONCE.

To open Unique Bible App

To run Unique Bible App, simply open the following url in a web browser:


Running Unique Bible App the first time takes extra time before you can load "localhost:3000", as have a script to help you download and setup everything needed for running During the setup you may see a Terminal app opened and running the setup process. Please expect to wait for at least 10 minutes for the setup. This applies to the first run ONLY. When the setup is finished, Unique Bible App will launch to fill up the web browser. During the setup, please do not try to launch the app yourself, or it will cause extra delay.

Touble-shooting "Can't open the page localhost:3000"

You can open localhost:3000 only when docker is running.

Some OSs autostarts docker but some does not.

For example, on macOS, you need to open "Docker Desktop" first before you can open localhost:3000.

CLI command

You can also launch Unique Bible App from a terminal app by running:


Access Unique Bible App Files

If you want to add bibles or some other resources manually to Unique Bible App, you may want to know where is the UniqueBible folder.

If you follow our suggestions in

Unique Bible App is installed in home directory on both host os and webtop.

With web browser, you can access the files in /config/UniqueBible/ with file manager Thunar.

You can also use your host file manager to access the "UniqueBibleApp" folder, located in your home directory.

Run Unique Bible App in non-fullscreen mode

You can change Unique Bible App main window size via menu: UniqueBible > Window Layout > Window Size.

Alternately, use keyboard key combo "Ctrl + Shift + U" to toggle full screen mode.

Hide Web Browser Toolbar

You can use the sidemenu button [a black dot] to toggle full screen mode of the browser not Unique Bible App

Restart Unique Bible App

By default, Unique Bible App is automatically launched when you first log into the web interface. In case you close it and want to restart it, right click on the webtop and select "Unique Bible App".

Reload docker container

In case you want to reload the container, run in host terminal:

docker restart uniquebibleapp

Additional GUI apps

To facilitate the use of Unique Bible App, we also install a few GUI apps for you, e.g.:

thunar, gthumb, vlc, geany,vlc

You can launch these apps via command line tools or right-click webtop GUI context menu.

We also add some GUI apps to Unique Bible App menu, so that users can launch them without going to desktop first.

For developers

To build a docker image from this repository:

git clone

cd uniquebibleapp-webtop

docker build -t uniquebibleapp .

For macOS users ONLY

On macOS, you need few extra steps to enable audio or text-to-speech features on our webtop,

Run the following commands on your macOS Terminal app (Applications > Utilities >

1) Install brew

We use brew to install pulseaudio for connection macOS speakers to our webtop.

If you haven't installed brew, install it:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install pulseaudio and run it:

brew install pulseaudio

2) Run pulseaudio

pulseaudio --load=module-native-protocol-tcp --exit-idle-time=-1 --daemon

3) Auto-run pulseaudio for future startup

Depends on your macOS default SHELL, use only one of the following two commands:

(For zsh users)

echo 'pulseaudio --load=module-native-protocol-tcp --exit-idle-time=-1 --daemon' >> ~/.zshrc

(For bash users)

echo 'pulseaudio --load=module-native-protocol-tcp --exit-idle-time=-1 --daemon' >> ~/.bash_profile

About SHELL mentioned above:

Recent macOS versions use zsh by default, older versions use bash by default. If you are not sure, run the following command to check:

echo $SHELL

Uninstall Unique Bible App

  • To uninstall Unique Bible App ONLY

You can use file manager thunar to delete folder "/config/uniquebibleapp-webtop/UniqueBible"

Or run in terminal:

rm -rf ~/uniquebibleapp-webtop/UniqueBible

This line above depends on what local path you specified in docker build command, e.g.:

Reinstall Unique Bible App

To re-install Unique Bible App without uninstalling webtop, simply uninstall it and restart docker container "uniquebibleapp".

When container docker restarts "uniquebibleapp" and find that /config/uniquebibleapp-webtop/UniqueBible does not exist, it reinstall Unique Bible App for you.

Uninstall Everything

  • To remove all webtop data

rm -rf ~/uniquebibleapp-webtop

Again, this line above depends on what local path you specified in docker build command, e.g.:

  • To remove Unique Bible App docker image

sudo docker rm -f uniquebibleapp

  • Check uniquebibleapp image id with:

sudo docker images

  • Remove image file

sudo docker rmi [imageid]

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