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2020 09 14

David Blodgett edited this page Sep 14, 2020 · 4 revisions

Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG Meeting 27

11:30 UTC (05:30 MDT, 07:30 EDT, 12:30 BST, 13:30 CEST, 19:30 CST, 21:30 AEST)

Attending: See portal

Minutes: Agree Agenda and IPR Call

Minutes/Notes of previous meeting

Current Candidate EDR API Specification

Outstanding Issues

  • #128: Point to the wiki from the OAB Presentation. Need to create an implementations page space.
  • #127: Still TODO
  • #126: Still TODO
  • #125: Disposition... probably not going to change anything based on this. Mark B. volunteered to do a mapping between DAPA and EDR. It seems like there is a common pattern forming around sampling APIs.
  • #124: Still TODO -- Mark has it done locally.
  • #121: Next session
  • #110 and #95 -- still TODO. Dave will try to progress this week.

Outstanding Pull Requests

Show and Tell demo on Wed and Thurs

API coordination: See cross SWG Board

Date of Next Meeting after TC

Second Session

12:20 UTC (06:20 MDT, 08:20 EDT, 13:20 BST, 14:20 CEST, 20:20 CST, 22:20 AEST)

Attending: See Portal

Agree Agenda and IPR Call

Resumé of previous session

Discussion of future plans and priorities.

  • Discussion of a plug fest as the next top priority.
    • Potentially target something in October.
    • Shane Mill would be interested in some testing.
    • Scope would be on the existing specification only.
    • What's the real target for a plugfest?
    • Maybe a hackathon on conformance testing?
  • What about a conformance test suite?
  • Is there a future body of work around various existing and post OGC data models and APIs?
    • Identified feature - based queries for real or virtual sampling features.
    • Asynchronous behavior and how we intersect with processes.
    • We need to make a distinction between simplicity and architectural consistency for users.
    • DAPA may be a good place to rally some of this.
  • CoverageJSON and WCS: CoverageJSON is next up on the Coverages SWG docket -- TODO on Chris Little
    • Chris has a request in for conversion of the CverageJSON work into an OGC draft specification.

Any Other Business

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