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Steering Committee 20200602 Minutes

xsong9 edited this page Jun 8, 2020 · 5 revisions
  • COUNTER reports in the Usage module update (Andy)

Andy demoed the work SirsiDynix had been working on to enhance the usage module. They fixed some bugs and added several new functionalities including the ability to delete files and the ability to view metadata on usage. The development was largely finished and was working on testing. They plan to finish testing within the next 4-6 weeks. For more details, check out the code in SirsiDynix branch here:

  • Original currency in cost history (Andreas)

Andreas discussed a feature request to allow CORAL to display the orginal currency. Currently, in the Acquisition tab, the cost is shown in one currency, and additional currency can be added to the note. It would be convenient to add another field displaying another currency. The concern was adding another field will clutter the view. Alternative could be to make additional field view optional.

  • CORAL hosting site renewal (Yan)

The current term ends at the end of July. The committee discussed options to fund the hosting site fee and the domain fee.

  • Documentation issue

Rebecca pointed out there had been some technical difficulty with ReadtheDoc, which is used for CORAL documentation. The group discussed the advantage of ReadtheDoc is to allow the community contribution to CORAL documentation and the possibility to use other documentation tools if the problem cannot be solved.

  • Update from the group

Two members on the committee have updated to the most recent release 2020.02. One member encountered an issue with the date picker, which seems to be an old issue.

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