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Steering Committee 2024 11 12 Minutes

rtatterson edited this page Nov 12, 2024 · 1 revision

Attendance: Rebecca, Michael, Beth, Andy, Tim, Jennifer

  1. Accessibility branch - Tim pointed out an issue with the installation path that could impact setup and might require a review of the installation documentation. Jennifer will discuss with Stephanie and committee revisit to determine next steps.

  2. Committee received membership request from Bennett University

  3. Andy asked whether we should review pull requests and issues. There are a few that surfaced with the latest release and should be addressed. We discussed a potential timeline, if a release was possible and whether it could be coordinated with the accessibility work or if it should be planned separately. Rebecca, Tim and Beth will review issues in Github and tag as appropriate. The project board was discussed as a way to track progress. It was decided to plan for February if time permits.

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