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Steering Committee 2024 03 12 Minutes

rtatterson edited this page Mar 12, 2024 · 9 revisions

Attendance: Tim Streasick, Mike Rylander, Jennifer Weston, Beth Ashmore, Michael Kares, Rich Wisneski, Rebecca Tatterson, Stephanie Leary (Equinox)

Welcome Rich Wisneski and Michael Kares

Committee welcomed new members Rich Wisneski, University of Miami and Michael Kares, Jessup University.


Andy (in Slack) and Mike provided an update on the release. Mike has a fix in place for the security issue reported by TU Braunschweig. He will merge and put a provisional sign off on the fixes completed by Andy Panayiotou and Balbinder Sumbria (SirsiDynix). Group will meet next week after Andy returns and has had a chance to test fixes completed by his developer. Release is expected to be ready by the end of the month.

CORAL website update

Tim updated PHP on and reduced the number of plugins on the site. The group discussed options for updating the website to bring more current content forward a new look to the site. Options include adding a widget to showcase current communication, updating the Publications and Documentation page.

Github Discussions

Rebecca shared some information about Github Discussions as a replacement for Slack. A potential disadvantage is that the CORAL Community would need to monitor for shared communication and postings, although it may be possible to set up notifications. The Steering Committee will continue to explore as an option.

CORAL Accessibility

Stephanie Leary (Equinox) presented an accessibility audit of the CORAL database. HTML is outdated and needs to be converted to current version. Proposal to replace table structure in the interface with navigation menus as part of improving accessibility.

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