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Steering Committee 20230613 Minutes)

rtatterson edited this page Jul 17, 2023 · 3 revisions

Attendance: Andy, Mike, Tim, Angela, Rebecca

CORAL Release

Andy and Mike reported release is ready however there is a known issue with modal displays which we all agreed can be put on hold for now as developer time is not able to be devoted. Group decided the release can go forward. Mike will fix workflow editing bug and Mike and Angela will update the technical documentation to reflect PHP version update and jQuery update. Rebecca will update SUSHI documentation with minor changes.

CORAL Website

Rebecca will reach out to Yan about server access to and work with Tim to upgrade to the latest version of WordPress on the website.

CORAL Summit

Group discussed a date and will plan for November. Angela, Tim and Rebecca will work on schedule and proposal call.

Call for new members

Group discussed sending out a call for participation in the CORAL Steering Committee and Andy suggested announcing on the SirsiDynix listservs to reach a wider audience of CORAL users. Rebecca will work on distributing a call as well as a call on CORAL’s Slack channel.

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