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Gerhard R. edited this page Jul 25, 2014 · 33 revisions


Public 1.6.0 builds
Release Notes


The Astro binding is used for:

  • calculating the sunrise, noon and sunset time
  • scheduling of events at sunrise, noon and sunset
  • calculating the azimuth and elevation (e.g. for auto shading with RollerShutter, ...)

Configuration in openhab.cfg

############################## Astro Binding ##############################
# Your latitude
# Your longitude
# Refresh interval for azimuth and elevation calculation in seconds (optional, defaults to disabled)

Available Items

Number   Azimuth        "Azimuth [%.2f]"         {astro="type=AZIMUTH"}
Number   Elevation      "Elevation [%.2f]"       {astro="type=ELEVATION"}

DateTime Sunrise_Time   "Sunrise [%1$tH:%1$tM]"  {astro="type=SUNRISE_TIME"}
DateTime Noon_Time      "Noon [%1$tH:%1$tM]"     {astro="type=NOON_TIME"}
DateTime Sunset_Time    "Sunset [%1$tH:%1$tM]"   {astro="type=SUNSET_TIME"}

Switch   Sunrise_Event                           {astro="type=SUNRISE"}
Switch   Noon_Event                              {astro="type=NOON"}
Switch   Sunset_Event                            {astro="type=SUNSET"}

The Azimuth and Elevation items are updated at the configured refresh interval in openhab.cfg.

At midnight, the sunrise, noon and sunset time is calculated, published and the event jobs are scheduled. The sunrise, noon and sunset Switches are updated with ON followed by a OFF at the calculated time.

Example Rules

Rule at sunrise:

rule "Example Rule at sunrise"
    Item Sunrise_Event received update ON

Rule to close all RollerShutters after sunset and the outside temperature is lower than 5 degrees:

rule "Close RollerShutters if cold after sunset"
    Item Temp_Outside changed
    if (now.isAfter((Sunset_Time.state as DateTimeType).calendar.timeInMillis) &&
       (Temp_Outside.state as DecimalType).intValue < 5) {
       RollerShutters?.members.forEach(r | sendCommand(r, DOWN))


Let's say, you know that the sun is shining through your livingroom window between Azimuth 100 and 130. If it's summer you want to close the RollerShutter.

rule "Autoshading RollerShutter"
    Item Azimuth changed
    var int azimuth = (Azimuth.state as DecimalType).intValue
    if (azimuth > 100 && azimuth < 130) {
      sendCommand(Rollershutter_Livingroom, DOWN)


Release Notes 1.6.0

All sun calculations are now based on those of

New item binding style! The old style is still supported, but a warning is written to the log.

{astro="planet=..., type=..., property=..., offset=..."}

Important: type and property are case sensitive! So enter the values exactly as shown.


currently only sun ist available, more to come

type: rise, set, noon, night, morningNight, astroDawn, nauticDawn, civilDawn, astroDusk, nauticDusk, civilDusk, eveningNight, daylight

  • property: start (DateTime), end (DateTime), duration (Number)

type: position

  • property: azimuth, elevation (Number)

offset (optional, taken into account for property start and end)
offset in minutes to the calculated time

You can bind a property to different item types, which has a special meaning in the binding. If you bind a DateTime property (start, end) to a DateTime Item, the DateTime is simply displayed. If you bind it to a Switch, a event is scheduled and the state of the Switch is updated to ON, followed by a OFF at the calculated time. You can even specify a offset for the event and bind multiple items to the same property.


// shows the sunrise
DateTime Sunrise_Time  "Sunrise [%1$tH:%1$tM]"  {astro="planet=sun, type=rise, property=start"}

// schedules a event which starts at sunrise, updating the Switch with ON, followed by a OFF
Switch Sunrise_Event   {astro="planet=sun, type=rise, property=start"}

// schedules a event which starts 10 minutes AFTER sunrise
Switch Sunrise_Event   {astro="planet=sun, type=rise, property=start, offset=10"}

// schedules a event which starts 10 minutes BEFORE sunrise
Switch Sunrise_Event   {astro="planet=sun, type=rise, property=start, offset=-10"}

// shows the sunset
DateTime Sunset_Time   "Sunset [%1$tH:%1$tM]"   {astro="planet=sun, type=set, property=end"}

// schedules a event which starts 30 minutes BEFORE sunset:
Switch Sunset_Event    {astro="planet=sun, type=set, property=end, offset=-30"}

// displays the start, end and duration of the astroDawn
DateTime Astro_Dawn_Start        "Astro Dawn Start [%1$tH:%1$tM]"  {astro="planet=sun, type=astroDawn, property=start"}
DateTime Astro_Dawn_End          "Astro Dawn End [%1$tH:%1$tM]"    {astro="planet=sun, type=astroDawn, property=end"}
// duration in minutes
Number   Astro_Dawn_Duration     "Astro Dawn Duration [%f]"        {astro="planet=sun, type=astroDawn, property=duration"}
// duration formatted to a string, e.g. 02:32 (2 hours, 32 minutes)
String   Astro_Dawn_Duration_Str "Astro Dawn Duration [%s]"        {astro="planet=sun, type=astroDawn, property=duration"}

// azimuth and elevation
Number   Azimuth        "Azimuth [%.2f]"     {astro="planet=sun, type=position, property=azimuth"}
Number   Elevation      "Elevation [%.2f]"   {astro="planet=sun, type=position, property=elevation"}


These builds are BETA versions, work in progress!
23.07.2014 pb02: download binding

  • initial public 1.6.0 build (works in openHab 1.5.x too)


###Linux / OS X



User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

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Release Notes

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