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Helmut Lehmeyer edited this page Oct 12, 2015 · 28 revisions

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This service allows you to persist state updates using one of several different underlying database services. The JDBC Persistence Service is designed for a maximum of scalability. It is designed to store very large amounts of data, and still over the years not lose its speed. The generic design makes it relatively easy for developers to integrate other databases that have JDBC drivers. It can act as a replacement for the MySQL-Persistence bundle (with additional configuration in openhab.cfg).

Currently the following databases are supported and tested:



  • Writing/reading information to relational database systems.
  • Database Table Name Schema can be reconfigured after creation.
  • JDBC drivers are not contained within the bundle and must be downloaded and added separately to your ${openhab.home}/addons directory.

For Developers:

  • Clearly separated source files for the database-specific part of openHAB logic.
  • Code duplication by similar services is prevented.
  • Integrating a new SQL and JDBC enabled database is fairly simple.

Installing JDBC Persistence

New Installation

  1. For installation of this persistence bundle, please follow the same steps as if you would install a binding.
  2. Copy the database-specific driver JAR file (see below) to your ${openhab.home}/addons directory.
  3. Place a persistence file called jdbc.persist into the ${openhab.home}/configuration/persistence folder. This has the standard format as described in Persistence.
  4. In openhab.cfg change persistence:default parameter to jdbc:

Migrating from MySQL Bundle

If you are migrating from the MySQL persistence bundle to the JDBC persistence bundle, follow these steps:

  1. For installation of this persistence bundle, please follow the same steps as if you would install a binding.
  2. Copy the database-specific driver JAR file (see below) to your ${openhab.home}/addons directory.
  3. Remove the MySQL persistence bundle from your ${openhab.home}/addons directory.
  4. In your ${openhab.home}/configurations/persistence directory, rename your mysql.persist file to jdbc.persist.
  5. In your openhab.cfg file, add or change these configuration items:

JDBC Driver Files

Database Tested File Repository
Derby derby- Maven
H2 h2-1.4.189.jar Maven
HSQLDB hsqldb-2.3.3.jar Maven
MariaDB mariadb-java-client-1.2.0.jar Maven
MySQL mysql-connector-java-5.1.36.jar Maven
PostgreSQL postgresql-9.4-1201-jdbc41.jar Maven
SQLite sqlite-jdbc- Maven

Configuring JDBC Persistence

You can configure the persistence service in JDBC Persistence Service section in openhab.cfg.

Minimal Configuration

############################ JDBC Persistence Service ##################################
# required database url like 'jdbc:<service>:<host>[:<port>;<attributes>]'
# required database user
# required database password

Migration from MYSQL Bundle to JDBC Bundle

############################ JDBC Persistence Service ##################################
# required database url like 'jdbc:<service>:<host>[:<port>;<attributes>]'
# required database user
# required database password
# for Migration from MYSQL-Bundle set to 'Item'.
# for Migration from MYSQL-Bundle do not use real names.
# for Migration from MYSQL-Bundle set to 0.

Full Configuration

############################ JDBC Persistence Service ##################################
# I N S T A L L   J D B C   P E R S I S T E N C E   S E R V I C E 
# To use this JDBC-service-bundle (org.openhab.persistence.jdbc-X.X.X.jar),
# a appropriate JDBC database-driver is needed in OpenHab addons Folder.
# Copy both (JDBC-service-bundle and a JDBC database-driver) to your OpenHab '[OpenHab]/addons' Folder to make it work. 
# Driver jars:
# Derby:     derby-     
# H2:        h2-1.4.189.jar          
# HSQLDB:    hsqldb-2.3.3.jar        
# MariaDB:   mariadb-java-client-1.2.0.jar
# MySQL      mysql-connector-java-5.1.36.jar
# PostgreSQL:postgresql-9.4-1201-jdbc41.jar
# SQLite:    sqlite-jdbc-
# Tested databases/url-prefix: jdbc:derby, jdbc:h2, jdbc:hsqldb, jdbc:mariadb, jdbc:mysql, jdbc:postgresql, jdbc:sqlite
# derby, h2, hsqldb, sqlite can be embedded, 
# If no database is available it will be created, for example the url 'jdbc:h2:./testH2' creates a new DB in OpenHab Folder. 
# Create new database, for example on a MySQL-Server use: 
# CREATE DATABASE 'yourDB' CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

# D A T A B A S E  C O N F I G
# Some URL-Examples, 'service' identifies and activates internally the correct jdbc driver.
# required database url like 'jdbc:<service>:<host>[:<port>;<attributes>]'
# jdbc:url=jdbc:derby:./testDerby;create=true
# jdbc:url=jdbc:h2:./testH2
# jdbc:url=jdbc:hsqldb:./testHsqlDb
# jdbc:url=jdbc:mariadb://
# jdbc:url=jdbc:mysql://
# jdbc:url=jdbc:postgresql://
# jdbc:url=jdbc:sqlite:./testSqlite.db

# required database user

# required database password

# E R R O R   H A N D L I N G
# optional when Service is deactivated (optional, default: 0 -> ignore) 

# I T E M   O P E R A T I O N S
# optional tweaking SQL datatypes
# see:	
# see:
# see:
# defaults:
#jdbc:sqltype.CALL			=	VARCHAR(200)
#jdbc:sqltype.COLOR			=	VARCHAR(70)
#jdbc:sqltype.CONTACT		=	VARCHAR(6)
#jdbc:sqltype.DATETIME		=	DATETIME
#jdbc:sqltype.DIMMER		=	TINYINT
#jdbc:sqltype.LOCATION		=	VARCHAR(30)
#jdbc:sqltype.NUMBER		=	DOUBLE
#jdbc:sqltype.STRING		=	VARCHAR(65500)
#jdbc:sqltype.SWITCH		=	VARCHAR(6)

# For Itemtype "Number" default decimal digit count (optional, default: 3) 

# T A B L E   O P E R A T I O N S
# Tablename Prefix String (optional, default: "item") 
# for Migration from MYSQL-Bundle set to 'Item'.

# Tablename Prefix generation, using Item real names or "item" (optional, default: false -> "item") 
# If true, 'tableNamePrefix' is ignored.

# Tablename Suffix length (optional, default: 4 -> 0001-9999) 
# for Migration from MYSQL-Bundle set to 0.

# Rename existing Tables using tableUseRealItemNames and tableIdDigitCount (optional, default: false) 
# USE WITH CARE! Deactivate after Renaming is done!

# D A T A B A S E  C O N N E C T I O N S
# Some embeded Databases can handle only one Connection (optional, default: configured per database in packet org.openhab.persistence.jdbc.db.* )
# see:
# jdbc.maximumPoolSize = 1
# jdbc.minimumIdle = 1

# T I M E K E E P I N G
# (optional, default: false) 

Database Table Schema

The service will create a mapping table to link each item to a table, and a separate table is generated for each item. The item data tables include time and data values. The SQL data type used depends on the openHAB item type, and allows the item state to be recovered back into openHAB in the same way it was stored. With this per-item layout, the scalability and easy maintenance of the database is ensured, even if large amounts of data must be managed. To rename existing tables, use the parameters jdbc:tableUseRealItemNames and jdbc:tableIdDigitCount in the JDBC Persistence Service section of openhab.cfg.

Number Precision

Default openHab number items are persisted with sql datatype double. Internally openHab uses BigDecimal. If better numerical precision is needed, for example set jdbc:sqltype.NUMBER = DECIMAL(max digits, max decimals) in the JDBC Persistence Service section of openhab.cfg, then on java side the service works with BigDecimal without type conversion. If more come decimals as max decimals provides, this persisted value is rounded mathematically correct. The sql types DECIMAL or NUMERIC are precise, but to work with DOUBLE is faster.

Rounding results

The results of database queries of number items are rounded to three decimal places by default. With jdbc:numberDecimalcount in the JDBC Persistence Service section of openhab.cfg decimals can be changed. Especially if sql types DECIMAL or NUMERIC are used for jdbc:sqltype.NUMBER, rounding can be disabled by setting jdbc:numberDecimalcount=-1.


###Linux / OS X



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