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Lenzebo edited this page Jun 14, 2014 · 7 revisions


The jointSpace binding lets you control your Philips TV that is compatible with the jointSPACE JSON API over Ethernet.

It allows you to:

  • Send Button commands
  • Set and Read Volume/Mute
  • Set and Get Colors of Ambilight "Pixels"
  • Set and Read Source

Note: This Binding will be available in the upcoming 1.5 Release. For preliminary builds please see the CI server at Cloudbees.


Compatibility and Activation jointSPACE API

  1. The TV has to be in the network and turned on
  2. The TV has to be compatible with the API. This should be possible for all models since 2011, but a list of models and firmwares can be found here
  3. If the TV is compatible and the newest firmware is installed, the API has to be activated. Therefore, you have to input on the remote "5646877223" (which spells jointspace on the digits) while watching TV. A popup should appear saying that the activation was successful.
  4. To check it if everything works correctly, you can browse to http://<ip-of-your-TV>:1925/1/examples/audio/volume.html. There you should see a page allowing you to change the volume of the TV.

Binding installation

To install the binding refer to here

OpenHAB Configuration

In the openhab.cfg add the following lines:

################################# JointSpace #############################################
# Timeout - or 'refresh interval', in milliseconds, of the worker thread. 
# Used for polling. defaults to 60000
# jointspace:refreshinterval= 60000

# Ip of the jointspace enabled device (mandatory parameter)
jointspace:ip =

# Port of the jointspace API. Defaults to 1925
#jointspace:port = 1925
  • refreshinterval: Polling interval for Source, Volume, Ambilight Color, ...
  • ip: Ip of the TV. Necessary parameter

Binding Configuration

All binding configurations have the structure jointspace="<openhab-command>:<jointspace-command>"

<openhab-command> command can be for example:

  • ON, OFF for Switch items
  • 1,2,3,... for Number items
  • HSB react on HSB type commands
  • DEC react on all Decimal type commands
  • * react on all commands
  • POLL poll the value periodical in the worker thread

Everytime the binding recieves such a command for that item it executes (or forwards) the command to the TV.

For valid <jointspace-command> refer to the separate sections and to the samples below


In order to send a button of the remote use key.X where X can be for example:

  • Digit1
  • VolumeUp
  • Standby

A full list of supported keys refer to here


  • To set the volume send a decimal type to a item configured as volume
  • To poll the volume use POLL:volume and the mute state as POLL:volume.mute


  • Get the current source as a string item with POLL:source
  • Set the current source with source.X where X can be hdmi1, tv, ...


Ambilight Mode

Ambilight has three different modes:

  • manual: Lets you set the ambilight values directly over the API
  • internal: Uses the colors specified from the internal algorithm based on the image shown
  • expert: Uses the manually sets pixels as input for the algorithm. Don't know if this is really of use.

In order to set the mode use as a jointspace-command ambilight.mode.X

Ambilight Color

In order to set the color, the ambilight mode has to be set to manual first

Please refer to the examples below in order to see how to setup different ambilight pixel combination.


The ambilight pixels are grouped in different layers, for example left for all left pixels. In order to find out which layers are supported goto http://<ip-adress>:1925/1/examples/ambilight/ambilight.html or refer to here


/* Demo items */
Switch MuteSwitch				"Mute" <settings> {jointspace="ON:key.Mute, OFF:key.Mute, POLL:volume.mute"}
Switch Taste1					"Taste1" {jointspace="ON:key.Digit1, OFF:key.Digit2"}
Dimmer VolumeTV 				"Volume [%d]"		<slider> {jointspace="*:volume, POLL:volume"}
Switch ActivateAmbilight		"Ambilight Manipulation" <settings> 		 {jointspace="ON:ambilight.mode.manual, OFF:ambilight.mode.internal"}
Number Ambilight_mode			"Ambilight Mode"	    <settings>	 {jointspace="0:ambilight.mode.internal, 1:ambilight.mode.manual,"}
Color  AmbilightAll			    "Ambilight All"			<colorwheel> {jointspace="HSB:ambilight.color"}
Color  AmbilightLeft			"Ambilight Left"		<colorwheel> {jointspace="HSB:ambilight[layer1[left]].color"}
Color  AmbilightRight			"Ambilight Right"		<colorwheel> {jointspace="HSB:ambilight[layer1[right]].color"}
Color  AmbilightPixelLeft		"Ambilight PixelLeft"	<colorwheel> {jointspace="HSB:ambilight[layer1[left[0]]].color, POLL:ambilight[layer1[left[0]]].color"}

Switch Standby "Standby" {jointspace="*:key.Standby"}
Switch VolumeUpDown "VolumeUpDown" {jointspace="ON:key.VolumeUp, OFF:key.VolumeDown"}
Switch ChannelStep "ChannelUpDown" {jointspace="ON:key.ChannelStepUp, OFF:key.ChannelStepDown"}
Switch AmbilightOnOff "AmbilightOnOff" {jointspace="*:key.AmbilightOnOff"}
Switch Source "Source" {jointspace="*:key.Source"}
Switch PlayPause "PlayPause" {jointspace="*:key.PlayPause"}

String CurrentSource "Source" {jointspace="POLL:source"}
Number SetSource "Set Source" {jointspace=", 2:source.hdmi1, 3:source.hdmi2, 4:source.hdmi3, 5:source.hdmiside"}

Known Limitations

  • The TV has to be on to control it. This is a limitation as the network interface is off for the TV in standby. Thus it is not possible to turn the TV on with this Binding
  • Right now only one device with jointspace capabilities is supported
  • Reading ambilight color values only works for specific pixels, but not for layers
  • There is an ambilight bug in some models (including mine), that setting manual colors doesn't work for the right side


###Linux / OS X



User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

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