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Documentation of the EnOcean binding bundle
EnOcean Binding


For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.

EnOcean Binding Configuration


The following config params are used for the EnOcean binding.

  • enocean:serialPort

The serial port (can be a virtual one) where the enocean transceiver is connected to. An USB adapter creates a virtual serial port (normally /dev/ttyUSB0 under linux)


######################## EnOcean Binding ###########################

Generic Item Binding Configuration


General format:

enocean="{id=<id_of_enocean_device> [, eep = <EEP_name>][, channel = <channelName>][, parameter = <parameterName>]}"

The device id is printed on the device package. When the EEP (EnOcean Equipment Profile) is needed, the eep (e.g. "F6.02.01") is also printed on the device package. In OpenHAB the three profile elements of the EEP are separated by colons :(e.g. "F6:02:01"). All parameters in [] are optional and only used for some devices.

Supported Devices

These EEP Profiles are already supported. If your device is not listed, please add an issue for it at openhab.

  • Rocker Switches
    • F6:02:01 (Light and Blind Control - Application Style 1)
  • Environment Sensors
    • A5:02:05 (Temperature Range from 0° to 40°)

Soon supported:

  • Contact Sensors
    • D5:00:01 (Single Input Contact)

Rocker Switches

  • eep = F6:02:01, F6:02:02
  • channel = A / B
  • parameter =
    • I: The I button (normally the one with the solid arrow sign) was pressed (Switch, pressed=Update to ON, released=Update to OFF)
    • O: The O button (normally the one with the empty arrow sign) was pressed (Switch, pressed=Update to ON, released=Update to OFF)

Be aware that the parameters are still under discussion and can be subject to change.


Standard usage:
Switch Button_Up () {enocean="{id=00:00:00:00, eep=F6:02:01, channel=B, parameter=I}"}
  • pressed: ON
  • released: OFF

EnOcean (roller shutter-) actors are not supported yet (27. November 2013).
EnOcean switch to control not EnOcean actors:

To control a roller shutter
Rollershutter myShutters () {enocean="{id=00:00:00:00, eep=F6:02:01}"}
  • Short press down: Close roller shutter or stop it when it was started shortly ago
  • Short press up: Open roller shutter or stop it when it was started shortly ago
  • Long press down: Close roller shutter as long as the button is pressed
  • Long press up: Open roller shutter as long as the button is pressed

See Example of roller shutter controlling

To control a dimmer (left buttons = channel A):
Dimmer myLights () {enocean="{id=00:00:00:00, channel=A, eep=F6:02:01}"}
  • Short press down: Switch light ON
  • Short press up: Switch light OFF
  • Long press down: Dim light UP as long as the button is pressed (INCREASE every 300ms)
  • Long press up: Dim light DOWN as long as the button is pressed (DECREASE every 300ms)
To us as a normal Switch (supported with 1.4.0):
Switch mySwitch () {enocean="{id=00:00:00:00, channel=A, eep=F6:02:01}"}
  • Press down: Switch udated to ON
  • Press up: Switch updated to OFF

Environment Sensors

  • eep = A5:02:05
  • channel = none
  • parameter =
    • TEMPERATURE: The current temperature (Number, unit=°C)


Number UG_Flur_Temp "Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> () {enocean="{id=00:00:00:00, eep=A5:02:05, parameter=TEMPERATURE}"}

Contact Sensors

  • eep = D5:00:01
  • channel = none
  • parameter =
    • CONTACT_STATE: Contact Open / Closed (OpenClosedType)

Will work in 1.4.0


{enocean="{id=00:00:00:00, eep=D5:00:01, parameter=CONTACT_STATE:closed}"}

Controller Hardware

USB 300

USB stick to control EnOcean devices. Only supported controller for now. Part of the EnOcean Development Kit (EDK).

System Requirements / Special Installations

Synology DS213+

See this Openhab Forum entry for details.


###Linux / OS X



User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




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