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Thomas Eichstädt-Engelen edited this page May 26, 2015 · 7 revisions


The DSMR-binding is targeted for Dutch users having a smart meter ('Slimme meter' in dutch). Data of Dutch smart meters can be obtained via the P1-port. When connecting this port from a serial port the data can be read out.

This binding reads the P1-port of the Dutch Smart Meters that comply to NTA8130, DSMR v2.1, DSMR v2.2, DSMR v3.0, DSMR v4.0 or DSMR v4.04.

If you are not living in the Netherlands but do want to read a meter please have look at the IEC-62056-21 Meter Binding.

Global Binding Configuration

To enable the binding please include the following configuration in openhab.cfg

######################## DSMR Binding ###########################

# Port of the DSMR port (mandatory, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0)

# Configuration of additionel meters (channel 0 is used for the main
# electricity meter)

The channel of the additional meters correspond to the M-Bus channel of the smart meter that the additional meter is connected to. Since the main electricity meter is always at channel 0, configuration of this meter is not necessary (and not supported).

Differences between DSMR versions

The serial port settings for DSMR v4 and up (115200 8n1) differ from NTA8130, v2.1, v2.2 and v3.0 (9600 7e1). The DSMR binding will automatically detect the applicable serial port settings.


Use the following setting in logback.xml to increase verbosity of the logging

<logger name="org.openhab.binding.dsmr" level="DEBUG"/>

Generic Item Binding Configuration

In order to bind an item to the DSMR binding, you need to provide configuration settings. The syntax for the DSMR binding configuration string is:

dsmr="[dsmr item id]"

The following table shows the full list of available dsmr values:

DSMR item id Description Available for DSMR version Unit
General values
P1VersionOutput Version information for P1 output v4.0 and up
P1Timestamp Timestamp of the P1 output v4.0 and up
Electricity meter values
eEquipmentId Equipment identifier All versions
eDeliveryTariff0 Total meter delivery tariff 0 1 kWh
eDeliveryTariff1 Total meter delivery tariff 1 All versions kWh
eDeliveryTariff2 Total meter delivery tariff 2 All versions kWh
eProductionTariff0 Total meter production tariff 0 1 kWh
eProductionTariff1 Total meter production tariff 1 All versions kWh
eProductionTariff2 Total meter production tariff 2 All versions kWh
eTariffIndicator Tariff indicator All versions
eActualDelivery Actual power delivery All versions kW
eActualProduction Actual power production All versions kW
eTreshold The actual threshold Electricity All versions A for v2.1, v2.2, v3.0
kW for v4.0 and v4.04
eSwitchPosition Actual switch position All versions
ePowerFailures Number of power failures v4.0 and up
eLongPowerFailures Number of long power failures v4.0 and up
eNumberOfLogEntries Number of power failure entries in the event log v4.0 and up
eDatePowerFailureX Date of power failure (entry X) v4.0 and up
X is a value [1-10]
eDurationPowerFailureX Duration of power failure (entry X) v4.0 and up
X is a value [1-10]
eVoltageSagsL1 Number of voltage sags L1 v4.0 and up
eVoltageSagsL2 Number of voltage sags L2 v4.0 and up
eVoltageSagsL3 Number of voltage sags L3 v4.0 and up
eVoltageSwellsL1 Number of voltage swells L1 v4.0 and up
eVoltageSwellsL2 Number of voltage swells L2 v4.0 and up
eVoltageSwellsL3 Number of voltage swells L3 v4.0 and up
eTextCode Version information for P1 output All versions
eTextMessage Version information for P1 output All versions
eInstantCurrentL1 Instantenous current L1 v4.04 and up A
eInstantCurrentL2 Instantenous current L2 v4.04 and up A
eInstantCurrentL3 Instantenous current L3 v4.04 and up A
eInstantPowerDeliveryL1 Instantenous active power delivery L1 v4.04 and up kW
eInstantPowerDeliveryL2 Instantenous active power delivery L2 v4.04 and up kW
eInstantPowerDeliveryL3 Instantenous active power delivery L3 v4.04 and up kW
eInstantPowerProductionL1 Instantenous active power production L1 v4.04 and up kW
eInstantPowerProductionL2 Instantenous active power production L2 v4.04 and up kW
eInstantPowerProductionL3 Instantenous active power production L3 v4.04 and up kW
Gas meter values
gDeviceType Device Type v3.0 and up
gEquipmentId Equipment identifier All versions
gValueTS Timestamp of the last measurement (local time) v4.0 and up Date & time
gNumberOfValues Number of values available for gValue en gValueX v3.0
gUnit Unit of the values v3.0
gValue Delivery of:
-Last hour (v3.0 / v4.0 and up)
-Last 24 hours (v2.1 / v2.2)
All versions2 m3
gValueX Meter reading X of the buffer (hourly period) v3.02
X is a value [2-10]
Higher values are older
gProfileStatus Unknown v3.0
gRecordingPeriod Duration of a value recording v3.0 minutes
gValueCompensated Temperature compensated delivery of the last 24 hours v2.1 and v2.2 m3
gValvePosition Valve position All versions
Heating meter values
hDeviceType Device Type v3.0 and up
hEquipmentId Equipment identifier All versions
hValueTS Timestamp of the last measurement (local time) v4.0 and up Date & time
hValue Last hour delivery All versions GJ
hValvePosition Valve position v3.0 and up
Cooling meter values
cDeviceType Device Type v3.0 and up
cEquipmentId Equipment identifier All versions
cValueTS Timestamp of the last measurement (local time) v4.0 and up Date & time
cValue Last hour delivery All versions GJ
cValvePosition Valve position v3.0 and up
Cooling meter values
wDeviceType Device Type v3.0 and up
wEquipmentId Equipment identifier All versions
wValueTS Timestamp of the last measurement (local time) v4.0 and up Date & time
wValue Last hour delivery All versions m3
wValvePosition Valve position v3.0 and up
Generic meter values
genericDeviceType Device Type v3.0
genericEquipmentId Equipment identifier v3.0
genericValue Last hour delivery v3.0
genericValvePosition Valve/Switch position v3.0
Slave electricity meter values
seDeviceType Device Type v4.0 and up
seEquipmentId Equipment identifier v4.0 and up
seValueTS Timestamp of the last measurement (local time) v4.0 and up Date & time
seValue Last hour delivery v4.0 and up kWh
seSwitchPosition Switch position v4.0 and up

1 This item isn't part of any specification however, the ITRON ACE4000 GTMM Mk3 does use this value. 2 Gas values for DSMR v3.0 are available in a list of max. 10 entries. The binding assumes the first value is the most recent (and thus available in gValue)


``` Number P1_Actual_Delivery "Actual usage [%.3f kW]" {dsmr="eActualDelivery"} Number P1_Meter_DeliveryLow "Meterstand reading low tariff [%.3f kWh]" {dsmr="eDeliveryTariff1"} Number P1_Meter_DeliveryNormal "Meter reading normal tariff[%.3f kWh]" {dsmr="eDeliveryTariff2"} ```

Test results

Meter DSMR version Electricity Gas Water Heating Cooling General Slave electricity
ISKRA MT382 3.0 OK OK Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested N/A
Itron ACE4000 GTMM Mk3 NTA8130 OK Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested N/A N/A
Kaifa E0003 4.04 OK OK Not tested Not tested Not tested N/A Not tested
Kaifa MA304 4.04 OK Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested N/A Not tested
Kamstrup 162JxC 3.0 OK OK Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested N/A
Landys + Gyr E350 3.0 OK Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested Not tested N/A


  • A meter that conforms to DSMR v4 or higher includes a CRC on the complete message. The binding does not check the CRC yet.


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