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mdbergmann edited this page Nov 27, 2015 · 4 revisions

Documentation of the JPA Persistence Service


This service allows you to persist state updates using a SQL or NoSQL database. The Binding uses an abstraction layer that theoretically allows it to support many available SQL or NoSQL databases.


This persistence service supports writing information to SQL or NoSQL database systems. Currently, with openHAB 1.6, the binding supports MySQL, Apache Derby and PostgreSQL databases.


For installation of this persistence package please follow the same steps as if you would install a binding.

Additionally, place a persistence file called jpa.persist in the ${openhab.home}/configuration/persistence folder. This has the standard format as described in Persistence.


This persistence service can be configured in the "JPA Persistence Service" section in openhab.cfg. Available are four configuration settings.

Connection URL

jpa:url   # this is jdbc connection url to the database



Attention: databases "openhab" for MySQL and PostgreSQL must be created manually first. The JPA binding does not create databases, except this is possible as configuration in the jdbc url (see Apache Derby example).

Database driver

jpa:driver        # the database driver class name




jpa:user=         # the database username for connection


jpa:password=     # the database username password for connection

Database overview

The binding will create one table "historic_item" where all item states are stored. The item state as such is stored as a string representation.

Notes for openHAB 1.8+

In openHAB 1.8 the binding has been modified in that now only the embedded Derby driver is included. Drivers for other databases must be installed manually. This is a trivial process. Normally JDBC database drivers are packaged as OSGi bundles and can just be dropped into the 'addons' folder of openHAB. This has the advantage that users can update their drivers as needed.

If a database driver is not an OSGi bundle the below technique can be used to extend the openHAB classpath.

Adding support for other JPA supported databases

Other database drivers can be added by expanding the openhab classpath. Use the following classpath setup in / of openhab:

cp=$(echo lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':'):$(find $eclipsehome -name "org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" | sort | tail -1);

This will add all .jar files in a folder "lib" in the root of openhab. All databases that are supported by JPA can be added. Define jpa:driver and jpa:url according to the database definitions.


###Linux / OS X



User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




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