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Thomas E.-E. edited this page Jun 16, 2014 · 7 revisions

Documentation of the NeoHub binding Bundle


The NeoHub binding allows you to connect openhab via TCP/IP to Heatmiser's NeoHub and integrate your NeoStat thermostats onto the bus.

For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.

Binding Configuration

The binding polls each thermostat that is configured in your items, at the refresh rate (as set in the cfg file - see below).

Refer to the example below to see what you need to include in your openhab.cfg file:

################################ NeoHub Binding #####################################
# Refresh interval in milliseconds (optional, defaults to 60000ms)

# Set the NeoHub network address

# Set the port number for the NeoHub interface (optional, defaults to 4242)

Item Binding Configuration

Item strings simply consist of two components - the NeoStat device name (as set in the thermostat and in the mobile app, e.g. Office), and the NeoStat property (e.g. CurrentTemperature). Both parameters are only separated by a colon. Some examples are below.

Switch Heating_Office       "Heating Office"         {neohub="Office:Heating"}
Switch Away_Office          "Away Office"            {neohub="Office:Away"}
Switch Standby_Office       "Standby Office"         {neohub="Office:Standby"}
Number Temperature_Office   "Temperature [%.1f °C]"  {neohub="Office:CurrentTemperature"}

The following properties, and their associated item types are shown below. The R and RW in the description column indicate which properties are read only (RO) or read/write (RW).

Parameter Type Supported Description
CurrentTemperature Number RO Current room temperature
CurrentSetTemperature Number RO Current set temperature
CurrentFloorTemperature Number RO Current floor temperature
DeviceName String RO Returns the device name
Heating Switch, String RO Returns ON or OFF if heating is currently enabled or not
Away Switch, String RW Returns ON or OFF if thermostat is in away mode or not
Standby Switch, String RW Returns ON or OFF if thermostat is in standby mode or not


###Linux / OS X



User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




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