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Tinkerforge Binding

Theo Weiss edited this page May 23, 2014 · 21 revisions

Documentation of the TinkerForge binding bundle


TinkerForge is a system of open source hardware building blocks that allows you to combine sensor and actuator blocks by plug and play. You can create your individual hardware system by choosing the necessary building blocks for your project and combine it with other home automation products. There are many blocks available e.g for temperature, humidity or air pressure measurement as well as for I/O, LCDs and motor control. You will find a complete List of available blocks here.

This binding connects the TinkerForge devices to the openHAB event bus. Sensor values from devices are made available to openHAB and actions on devices can be triggered by openHAB.

For now only a subset of the TinkerForge devices and features are supported, but more devices and features will be added in the near future.

The following devices are supported for now:

  • Servo Brick
  • DC Brick
  • Dual Relay Bricklet
  • Humidity Bricklet
  • Distance IR Bricklet
  • Temperature Bricklet
  • Barometer Bricklet (barometer and temperature device)
  • Ambient Light Bricklet
  • LCD 20×4 Bricklet (LCD, backlight and 4 buttons)
  • Industrial Quad Relay
  • Bricklet Industrial Digital In 4
  • Bricklet IO-16

The TinkerForge binding bundle is available as a separate (optional) download. For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.

Snapshot Releases

There is ongoing development on the binding for openHAB 1.5. A lot of new devices are supported with the snapshot releases. Snapshots are downloadable from the CI and will work with the openHAB 1.4 runtime. Preliminary documentation is available from here. You are encouraged to report bugs related to snapshot release.

Upgrading from 1.3

  • LCDBacklight now is a sub device of LCD20x4 Bricklet (items file has to be changed)
  • LCD20x4Button now posts an update not a command anymore (rules has to be changed)
  • IndustrialQuadRelay sub id numbering now starts from zero (items file has to be changed)

General Remarks

The binding supports the connection to several brickd instances.

The binding supports the TinkerForge auto reconnect feature. Furthermore even if the initial connect failed the binding will make retries to get connected to the brickd.

Generic Item Binding Configuration

Basic Configuration

In order to connect openHAB to TinkerForge devices you need to define all the brickd hosts and ports in the openhab.cfg file.

The following properties must be configured to define a brickd connection:

tinkerforge:hosts="<IP address>[:port] ..."

The properties indicated by '<...>' need to be replaced with an actual value. Properties surrounded by square brackets are optional.

Property Description
IP address IP address of the brickd
port The listening port of of the brickd (optional, default 4223)

For connecting several brickds, use multiple <IP address> statements delimited by a space.

Devices which do not support callbacks will be polled with a configurable interval, the default is 60000 milliseconds. This value can be changed in openhab.cfg:

tinkerforge.refresh=<value in milliseconds>

Example Configurations

Example for a connection to a single brickd:


Example for several brickd connections using different ports:


Advanced Configuration

There are several configuration parameters to control the behavior of the devices. The available parameters depend on the device type.


For most of the devices no configuration is needed in openhab.cfg, they can be used with reasonable defaults. The only exception is the IO16 Bricklet (see below).

If you want to get rid of uid and subid statements in the items or rule file, you can use openhab.cfg to get a symbolic name.

A configuration line for a TinkerForge Device looks like this in openhab.cfg:

tinkerforge:<symbolic name>.<property>=<value>

The symbolic name string can be used in the items configuration as an alternative for the uid and subid values.

The following table lists the general available properties.

Property Description Device
uid TinkerForge uid of the device (use the Brick Viewer to get this value) mandatory for all devices
type the device type mandatory for all devices
subid subid of the device, subid's are used if a brick/bricklet houses more then one device (e.g. the Dual Relay Bricklet) mandatory for sub devices

The following table shows the TinkerForge device, its device type, subid and if it is an actuator.

device type name subid(s) Callback actuator
servo connector housed on a Servo Brick servo servo[0-6] x
DC Brick brick_dc x
relays housed on a Dual Relay Bricklet dual_relay relay[1-2] x
Humidity Bricklet bricklet_humidity x
Distance IR Bricklet bricklet_distance_ir x
Temperature Bricklet bricklet_temperature x
Barometer Bricklet bricklet_barometer x
temperature sensor housed on a Barometer Bricklet barometer_temperature temperature
Ambient Light Bricklet bricklet_ambient_light x
LCD20x4 Bricklet bricklet_LCD20x4 x
LCD20x4 backlight backlight backlight x
button housed on a LCD20x4 Bricklet lcd_button button[0-3] interrupt
relays housed on a Industrial Quad Relay Bricklet industrial_quad_relay relay[0-3] x
input ports housed on a Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet bricklet_industrial_digital_4in in[0-3] x
IO16 Bricklet bricklet_io16
ports housed on a IO16 Bricklet, which should be used as input ports iosensor in[ab][0-7] x
ports housed on a IO16 Bricklet, which should be used as output ports io_actuator out[ab][0-7] x

Callback and Threshold

The TinkerForge CallbackListeners - if available - are used to observe the sensor values of the devices. These listeners are configured to update sensor values at a given time period (callbackPeriod). The default configuration sets the callbackPeriod to 1 second. This value can be changed in openhab.cfg. For now this value must be changed for every single device. The values must be given in milliseconds.

The callbackPeriod controls the amount of traffic from the TF hardware to the binding.

In addition to the Callback a threshold value can be configured. This threshold means that even if the listener reports a changed value, the value is only send to the openHAB eventbus if: the difference between the last value and the current value is bigger than the threshold value. You can think of it as a kind of hysteresis, it dampens the oscillation of openHAB item values.

The threshold controls the amount of traffic from the binding to the openHAB eventbus.


Dual Relay Bricklet

An entry in openhab.cfg is only needed if you want to use a symbolic name in the items file.


property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
type openHAB type name bricklet_dual_relay

relay sub devices:

property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid same as bricklet
subid openHAB subid of the device relay1, relay2
type openHAB type name dual_relay




items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

Switch DualRelay1          "DualRelay1" { tinkerforge="name=relay_coffee_machine" }
Switch DualRelay2          "DualRelay2" { tinkerforge="uid=c21, subid=relay2" }

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Switch item=DualRelay1
Switch item=DualRelay2

Humidity Bricklet

An entry in openhab.cfg is only needed if you want to adjust threshold and / or callbackPeriod or if you want to use a symbolic name.


property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
type openHAB type name bricklet_humidity
threshold see "Callback and Threshold"
callbackPeriod see "Callback and Threshold"

items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

Number Humidity                 "Humidity [%.1f %%]"  { tinkerforge="uid=b2j" }

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Text item=Humidity

Distance IR Bricklet

An entry in openhab.cfg is only needed if you want to adjust threshold and / or callbackPeriod or if you want to use a symbolic name.


property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
type openHAB type name bricklet_distance_ir
threshold see "Callback and Threshold"
callbackPeriod see "Callback and Threshold"

items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

Number Distance                 "Distance [%.1f mm]"  { tinkerforge="uid=6GN" }

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Text item=Distance

Temperature Bricklet

An entry in openhab.cfg is only needed if you want to adjust threshold and / or callbackPeriod or if you want to use a symbolic name.


property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
type openHAB type name bricklet_temperature
threshold see "Callback and Threshold"
callbackPeriod see "Callback and Threshold"

items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

Number Temperature                 "Temperature [%.1f Cel]"  { tinkerforge="uid=etd" }

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Text item=Temperature

Barometer Bricklet

An entry in openhab.cfg is only needed if you want to adjust threshold and / or callbackPeriod or if you want to use a symbolic name.

The temperature sub device does not support callbackPeriod, it will be polled. The polling interval can be configured using tinkerforge:refresh property).


property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
type openHAB type name bricklet_barometer
threshold see "Callback and Threshold"
callbackPeriod see "Callback and Threshold"

temperature sub device:

property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
subid openHAB subid of the device temperature
type openHAB type name barometer_temperature



items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

Number Barometer                 "Air Pressure [%.1f hPa]"  { tinkerforge="uid=d8G" }

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Text item=Barometer

Ambient Light Bricklet

An entry in openhab.cfg is only needed if you want to adjust threshold and / or callbackPeriod or if you want to use a symbolic name.


property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
type openHAB type name bricklet_ambient_light
threshold see "Callback and Threshold"
callbackPeriod see "Callback and Threshold"



items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

Number AmbientLight            "Luminance [%.1f Lux]" { tinkerforge="uid=ef5" }

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Text item=AmbientLight 

LCD20x4 Bricklet

The LCD20x4 is a bit special as it acts as actuator which can receive text messages. To achieve this, you have to configure the device as String item.

What’s the meaning of this magic string?

sendCommand(TF_LCD, String::format("TFNUM<213>%4s"Barometer.state.format("%d")

TFNUM is just a flag to signal the binding that some position information is passed. The first number is the line number, starting from 0. The second and third number are interpreted as the position in the line, starting from 0.

The above example would write the current value of the barometer bricklet to line 3 starting from position 14, with a fixed width of 4 (this is because of %4s).



property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
type openHAB type name bricklet_LCD20x4

backlight sub device:

property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid same as bricklet
subid openHAB subid of the device backlight
type openHAB type name backlight

button sub devices:

property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid same as bricklet
subid openHAB subid of the device button0, button1, button2, button3
type openHAB type name lcd_button

items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

String LCD         "LCD" { tinkerforge="uid=d4j"}
Switch LCDBacklight        "LCDBacklight" { tinkerforge="uid=d4j, subid=backlight"}
Switch Button0         "Button0" { tinkerforge="uid=d4j, subid=button0"}
Switch Button1         "Button1" { tinkerforge="uid=d4j, subid=button1"}
Switch Button2         "Button2" { tinkerforge="uid=d4j, subid=button2"}
Switch Button3         "Button3" { tinkerforge="uid=d4j, subid=button3"}

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Switch item=LCDBacklight

rules file (e.g. tinkerforge.rules):

import org.openhab.core.library.types.*

rule "Weatherstation LCD init from Backlight"
    Item LCDBacklight changed from UNDEF or
        System started
    sendCommand(LCD, "TFNUM<00>Temperature:       C")
    sendCommand(LCD, "TFNUM<10>Humidity   :       %")
    sendCommand(LCD, "TFNUM<20>Pressure   :     hPa")
    sendCommand(LCD, "TFNUM<30>Luminance  :     Lux")
    sendCommand(LCDBacklight, ON)
    sendCommand(LCD, String::format("TFNUM<013>%4s", 
    sendCommand(LCD, String::format("TFNUM<113>%4s", 
    sendCommand(LCD, String::format("TFNUM<213>%4s",
    sendCommand(LCD, String::format("TFNUM<313>%4s", 

rule Goodbye
    System shuts down
    sendCommand(LCDBacklight, OFF)

rule "Weatherstation LCD Backlight"
            Item Button0 received update
            if (Button0.state == ON)
            sendCommand(LCDBacklight, ON)
            sendCommand(LCDBacklight, OFF)
rule "Weatherstation LCD update temperature"
            Item Barometer_Temperature received update 
            sendCommand(LCD, String::format("TFNUM<013>%4s", 

rule "Weatherstation LCD update humidity"
            Item Humdity received update
            sendCommand(LCD, String::format("TFNUM<113>%4s", 
rule "Weatherstation LCD update airpressure"
            Item Barometer received update
            sendCommand(LCD, String::format("TFNUM<213>%4s",
rule "Weatherstation LCD update ambientLight"
            Item AmbientLight received update
            sendCommand(LCD, String::format("TFNUM<313>%4s", 

Industrial Quad Relay Bricklet


property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
type openHAB type name bricklet_industrial_quad_relay

relay sub devices:

property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid same as bricklet
subid openHAB subid of the device relay0, relay2, relay3, relay4
type openHAB type name industrial_quad_relay

items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

Switch QR1                      "QR1" {tinkerforge="uid=eQj, subid=relay0"}
Switch QR2                      "QR2" {tinkerforge="uid=eQj, subid=relay1"}
Switch QR3                      "QR3" {tinkerforge="uid=eQj, subid=relay2"}
Switch QR4                      "QR4" {tinkerforge="uid=eQj, subid=relay3"}

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Switch item=QR1
Switch item=QR2
Switch item=QR3
Switch item=QR4

Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet


property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
subid openHAB subid of the device in0, in2, in3, in4
type openHAB type name bricklet_industrial_digital_4in
debouncePeriod debounce time in ms default=100

input port sub devices:

property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid same as bricklet
subid openHAB subid of the device in0, in2, in3, in4
type openHAB type name



items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

Contact ID1                     "ID1 [MAP(]" {tinkerforge="uid=efY, subid=in0"}
Contact ID2                     "ID2 [MAP(]" {tinkerforge="uid=efY, subid=in1"}
Contact ID3                     "ID3 [MAP(]" {tinkerforge="uid=efY, subid=in2"}
Contact ID4                     "ID4 [MAP(]" {tinkerforge="uid=efY, subid=in3"}

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Text item=ID1
Text item=ID2
Text item=ID3
Text item=ID4

IO16 Bricklet



property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
type openHAB type name bricklet_io16
debouncePeriod debounce time in ms default=100

iosensor sub device:

property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid same as bricklet
subid openHAB subid of the device ina0, ina1, ina2, ina3, ina4, ina5, ina6, ina7, inb1, inb2, inb3, inb4, inb5, inb6, inb7
type openHAB type name iosensor
pullUpResistorEnabled enable the pull-up resistor true, false

io_actor sub device:

property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid same as bricklet
subid openHAB subid of the device outa0, outa1, outa2, outa3, outa4, outa5, outa6, outa7, outb1, outb2, outb3, outb4, outb5, outb6, outb7
type openHAB type name io_actuator
defaultState default state of the port, true = HIGH, false=LOW true, false




items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

Contact ina0            "ina0 [MAP(]" {tinkerforge="uid=efY, subid=ina0"}
Contact ina1            "ina0 [MAP(]" {tinkerforge="uid=efY, subid=ina1"}
Switch outa2            "outb0" {tinkerforge="uid=efY, subid=outa2"}

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Text item=ina0
Text item=ina01
Switch item=outa2

DC Brick

For the DC Brick you can configure the acceleration, the pwm frequency, the drive mode (break=0, coast=1) and the switchOnVelocity. The device type is brick_dc. Valid values for driveMode are Break and Coast.

property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
type openHAB type name brick_dc
acceleration default=10000
pwmFrequency default=15000
driveMode default=0, values: 0=Break, 1=Coast
switchOnVelocity default=10000



items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

Switch TinkerforgeDC          "TinkerforgeDC" { tinkerforge="uid=62Zduj"}

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Switch item=TinkerforgeDC

Servo Brick

For the Servo Brick you can configure the velocity, acceleration, servo voltage, pulse width min, pulse width max, period and the output voltage (must be equal for all servos). The device type is "servo". Available subid's are servo0 to servo6.

The current implementation is more or less for demo purposes. The servo can only be used as a switch item, to move the servo to the most left or most right position.


property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid get value from brickv
type openHAB type name brick_servo

servo sub devices:

property descripition values
uid tinkerforge uid same as brick
subid openHAB subid of the device servo0, servo1, servo2, servo3, servo4, servo5, servo6
type openHAB type name servo
velocity default=30000
acceleration default=30000
pulseWidthMin default=1000
pulseWidthMax default=2000
period default=19500
outputVoltage output voltage can only be set once (will be used for all servos) default=5000



items file entry (e.g. tinkerforge.items):

Switch Servo0              "Servo0" { tinkerforge="uid=6Crt5W, subid=servo0" }
Switch Servo1              "Servo1" { tinkerforge="uid=6Crt5W, subid=servo1" }
Switch Servo2              "Servo2" { tinkerforge="uid=6Crt5W, subid=servo2" }
Switch Servo3              "Servo3" { tinkerforge="uid=6Crt5W, subid=servo3" }
Switch Servo4              "Servo4" { tinkerforge="uid=6Crt5W, subid=servo4" }
Switch Servo5              "Servo5" { tinkerforge="uid=6Crt5W, subid=servo5" }
Switch Servo6              "Servo6" { tinkerforge="uid=6Crt5W, subid=servo6" }

sitemap file entry (e.g tinkerforge.sitemap):

Switch item=Servo0
Switch item=Servo1
Switch item=Servo2
Switch item=Servo3
Switch item=Servo4
Switch item=Servo5
Switch item=Servo6

Item Binding Configuration

In order to bind an item to a device, you need to provide configuration settings. The easiest way to do so is to add binding information in your item file (in the folder '${openhab_home}/configurations/items').

The configuration of the TinkerForge binding item looks like this:

tinkerforge="(uid=<id> [, subid=<id>] | name=<name>)"

The configuration is quite simple. You either have to set a value for the uid and optionally for the subid of the device, or - if the device is configured in openhab.cfg - the "symbolic name" of the device.

Property Description
uid TinkerForge uid of the device (Use the Brick Viewer to get this value)
subid optional subid of the device
name symbolic name of the device. The name is only available if there is some configuration for the device in openhab.cfg.

Item Types

Supported item types are "Switch Item", "Number Item", "Contact Item" and "String Item".


###Linux / OS X



User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




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