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GEM Beamscraper Jaws

David Keymer edited this page Feb 6, 2018 · 1 revision

Wiki > The Backend System > Specific Device IOC > Jaws and Slits

The GEM "Beamscraper" jaw set is unique to GEM. The four blades move independently and are all driven by a LinMot. Some calibration is required between the demanded position and the steps sent to the controller. For North/South this calibration is linear, for East/West it is quadratic.

Control under SECI

LinMot motor resolution: 0.01953125 mm/steps (Mistakenly labelled as steps/mm in the VI)

Jaw Offset Read Calibration Curve Write Calibration Curve
North 2710 x + 0.025*x x - 0.025*x
South 1530 x + 0.025*x x - 0.025*x
East 2200 (-0.12038 + 0.06452 * x + 0.02998 * x**2)/0.9 (x - 0.1*x) , ((-0.06452 + sqrt(0.06452**2 + 4*0.02998*(0.12038 + x))) / (2*0.02998))
West 2200 (-0.12038 + 0.06452 * x + 0.02998 * x**2)/0.9 (x - 0.1*x) , ((-0.06452 + sqrt(0.06452**2 + 4*0.02998*(0.12038 + x))) / (2*0.02998))

Where there are two equations the first equation calculates the x used in the second equation where there are two.

The motor resolution/offset values are used as below:

Read/Write Axis Equation
Write South OFF + (x / MRES)
Write N/E/W OFF - (x / MRES)
Read South (x - OFF) * MRES)
Read N/E/W (OFF - x) * MRES)

Where x has been calculated from the calibration curves above.

The setpoints are all set to 5 when home is pressed. There is some tolerance checking, tolerance is set to 1.00, and is based on the presented value.

The limits for the values that the user can set are:

Axis Min Max
H Gap 0.2 25
V Gap 0.2 40
North 0.1 20
South 0.1 20
West 0.1 12.5
East 0.1 12.5

Control under IBEX

The calibration curves under IBEX have been simplified to:

Jaw Offset Read Calibration Curve Write Calibration Curve
North 2710 1.025*x x / 1.025
South 1530 1.025*x x / 1.025
East 2200 -0.13376 + 0.07169 * x + 0.03331 * x**2 (-0.07169 + sqrt(0.07169**2 + 4 * 0.03331 *(0.13376 + x))) / (2*0.03331)
West 2200 -0.13376 + 0.07169 * x + 0.03331 * x**2 (-0.07169 + sqrt(0.07169**2 + 4 * 0.03331 *(0.13376 + x))) / (2*0.03331)

Note that the linear calibration curve is actually incorrect in the VI as 1 / 1.025 != 0.975. Therefore in IBEX 1.025 and 1 / 1.025 are used for reading and writing respectively.

To do these calibrations an additional soft motor record has been placed between the conventional jaws db and the real motor, such as described here.

The offset / motor resolution in IBEX uses (MRES * x) + OFF when reading, therefore the new offset motor resolution in IBEX are:

Jaw New Offset New Motor Resolution

Tolerance and limits have been included in IBEX, the homing has not.

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