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Galil default parameters

Dominic Oram edited this page Mar 8, 2018 · 6 revisions

The Galil IOC has a number of (quite obscure) parameters. The ISIS defaults for these are stated here. Parameters that are not on this list either vary so much per axis that a sensible default is hard to reach or are happy at the motor record default.

Parameter Description Default (Commissioning) Default (Running) Reasoning
ESTALLTIME Throws an error when the encoder has not moved after specified time 1 Small enough to catch errors when they occur Give some slack so that doesn't throw errors, tighten when required
EDEL In motion if encoder has moved by this amount 2*ERES Could be increased if motor is particularly jittery A motor shouldn't be jittering by more than 1 encoder step
JAH When on the axis will jog a specified amount after a home No Same We don't want to do this at ISIS
JAH_VAL The amount to job after home Don't Care Same Doesn't do anything when above PV not set
EGUAFTLIMIT The distance between a limit switch and a hard stop 0.001 Increased if a large deceleration would be bad A very small amount will definitely stop the axis
HOMEVAL What position to send the device after a home 0 Same Home is defined as zero across ISIS
OFFONERRORLIMIT Turns the motor off when position error is greater than specified Off Same Would be useful if the IOC sent a new position on start up but currently doesn't
ERROR LIMIT The position error to turn the motor off at Don't Care Same Doesn't do anything when above PV not set
WLP Stops the motor from moving when it hits any limit On Off Provides a safety net during commissioning but means you cannot move off a limit when running
AUTOONOFF Automatically turns the motor on for a move and off when complete On Off when the motor needs to be constantly energised e.g. it will fall under gravity Better to turn the motor off when not in use
ONDELAY If AUTOONOFF set, how long to wait after the motor is turned on to begin a move 0.2 0 Used to make sure the amp is ready for the move. Generally we do not need to wait.
OFFDELAY If AUTOONOFF set, how long to wait after stopped before turning off 0.2 2 Should wait some time if you're doing correction moves immediately
ON_CMD If on will leave the motor on at all times Off Off when the motor needs to be constantly energised e.g. it will fall under gravity (Make sure the AUTOONOFF is Off) Better to turn the motor off when not in use
K1, K2, K3, FV, FC, FA, FN, ZP, ZN, CT, AF Used for ceramic motors 0 Change if ceramic This is the Galil's default when not ceramic motors
FV, FA Changes the output voltages based on the acceleration/velocity 0 Change if required Most axes in ISIS do not require this
IL, TL Used for setting limits on the integrator and torque 9.998 Change if required Most axes at ISIS do not need a limit so set the highest possible
CP Used for ceramic motors 65535 Change if ceramic This is the Galil's default when not ceramic motors
VBAS The minimum speed the motor should go at (NOTE THAT ACCEL IS CALCULATED BASED ON THIS) 0 Same Most motors should be happy at any speed below maximum
BDST The distance to move to correct for backlash 0 Same Most axes shouldn't need to correct
BVEL The velocity to move when correcting for backlash Don't care Same Doesn't do anything when BDST not set
BACC The acceleration to move with when correcting for backlash Don't care Same Doesn't do anything when BDST not set
DHLM The high soft limit 2147483647 * MRES Slightly before the forward limit switch When commissioning turn off. When running we don't normally want to hit the physical limits.
DLLM The low soft limit -2147483648 * MRES Slightly before the reverse limit switch When commissioning turn off. When running we don't normally want to hit the physical limits.
UEIP Use an encoder Off On When starting to commission you are not using the encoder, when running you should if there is one
RTRY The number of times to retry getting to the setpoint 0 10 When commissioning don't want to run 'closed loop' otherwise 10 tries is normally enough to get to position
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