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Gotchas and Troubleshooting for The IBEX Script Generator

ChrisColeExpControl edited this page Feb 3, 2020 · 10 revisions


Cannot open generated script in notepad++ from the FileMessageBox

Currently, we search for notepad++ in "Program Files" and "Program Files (x86)". It may be that notepad++ on the computer being used isn't stored in those two. For the time being copy and paste the file location to open with their preferred editor.

Warning: Could not load any configs from

This could be due to 4 things:

  • The configs have not been loaded into the correct place in the filesystem
    • Indicated in the log by "Error loading from "
    • To fix simply move them into the location that is given in the warning message
  • The IBEX preference is not pointing to the correct location in the file system
    • Indicated in the log by "Error loading from "
    • For a temporary fix you can move the configs into that location, but for a better fix (see gotcha below) ensure that the preference is pointing to the correct location (The preference can point to multiple locations by separating them with commas)
  • The configs all have errors on them and cannot be loaded
    • Indicated in the log by "Error loading : "
    • The configs are maintained by the instrument scientists, however, obviously provide support and guidance for this
  • There is a chance that Python has crashed due to an error
    • This will likely be in the log

Some of my configs have not loaded

  • We can point a preference to where to load configs from. This can be a combination of different places separated by commas. One of these preferences may be slightly incorrect and the configs from that location not loaded.
    • Indicated in the log by "Error loading from "
    • Find out where the preference should point (see gotcha below), adjust it and reload the GUI
  • Some of the configs may have errors in them and so failed to load
    • Indicated in the log by "Error loading : "
    • The configs are maintained by the instrument scientists, however, obviously provide support and guidance for this



Currently, we cannot load the main ibex client preferences from the script generator. So the script generator has it's own plugin_customization.ini containing some duplicate preferences i.e. script_generation_folder and script_generator_config_folder. When editing the preferences these should be changed in both files.

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