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Wiki > The Backend System > IOCs > Running IOCs

Running the IOC

Start the IOC


  • start the IOC through the GUI.
    • If this is a new IOC you will need to run make iocstartups in the EPICS folder for the IOC to be displayed in the GUI.
  • start the IOC through the console (ctrl + x)
  • start the IOC by running runIOC.bat st.cmd (in iocBoot/Appdir)

IOC in procServ using the Console

Open an epics terminal a list all running instruments with

console -M localhost -x

To interact with an IOC use

console -M localhost <IOC_NAME>

console will attempt to complete the name if you only give part of it and will give you possible options. Once in the console:

  • ctrl-x : starts and stops the IOC
  • crtl-e c .: exits the console

Simulation Mode

TO switch an IOC to simulation mode the default is

caput <IOC PV NAME>:SIM 1


It is possible to set macros for an IOC either through the IBEX GUI or using the globals.txt file.


The globals.txt is file is held in C:\Instrument\Settings\config\NDW1407\configurations in here you set macros global macros are set with <macro name>=<value> macros specific for an IOC are set with <ioc name>__<macro name>=<value>



Reading a Compressed Hex PV

Use the following to read a waveform PV of a compressed hexed string

caget -t -S <PV NaME>|uzhex

(uzhex - think unzip hex)


See IOC and device Troubleshooting

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