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Maurice HT Ling edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 3 revisions

三十载, 语云立, 坐已回守汝不级
一波浪, 目异村, 六春清早如一休
思当景, 对今朝, 心沸喜愁优乐待
欲二月, 可侵猎, 但有重重不可呆
离与惜, 两头难, 前车反复何不可
待一页, 新一篇, 魂归咀嚼梦作章
-- 01/04/08


April Fool's 2008 was my 2nd last day in Melbourne. This almost reads like a conclusion and what lies ahead of my work and life in Melbourne. It is a nice city and I love it. It talks about the emotional conflicts at that time and my attempt and resolution to make sense of it all. It is a time that I had chose to leave - the balance had just tipped - despite all my intentions to stay on. It says of a new page in my life and the past is in my memories to chew - till the day when we meet again.

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