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Correlation Analysis on Transcriptomes from Published Human Skin Studies Show Variations between Control Samples.

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Jul 3, 2020 · 5 revisions

Citation: Teng, RSY, Kwang, JCY, Chin, ASQ, Sander, CJ, Ang, IZL, Foong, JH, Cheong, KC, Hon, RYH, Ling, MHT. 2020. Correlation Analysis on Transcriptomes from Published Human Skin Studies Show Variations between Control Samples. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports 3(6): 143-146.

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Reproducibility has been shown to be a problem in many areas of science, leading to a “reproducibility crisis”. Many studies had examined factors limiting experimental reproducibility and one of the factors suggested is the stability of control samples underpinning all experimental findings. This study examines the transcriptomes of the control samples from three published human skin studies using correlation analysis to evaluate the stability of clinical control samples. Our results show significant differences (t-test p-value < 5.4E-5, Mann-Whitney U p-value < 0.00001) between within data set correlations and between data set correlations, suggesting significant differences between control samples from different data sets. This may have potential implications on the interpretation of clinically important results.

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