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Anemic Decade

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Jul 3, 2019 · 1 revision

First July marks the longest
A supposed expansion in the earnest
Real world does not match the number
We will find out who is the dumber

Changing calculations by quarter
Forging the numbers a little rounder
How can five point three be out of work
When thirty seven do not work
Unneeded gets deflated
Needed are inflated

The front is bleak
Many aspects seen its peak
First baby now at sixty-seven
At least thirty years to move all to heaven
Four decades of growth parallels population
Isn’t this a revelation
This fall may not be recoverable
Out of time as easily discoverable

If only people are willing to see
The future’s plea
But most prefers to dream
Willingly wrap in lies’ team
Entire lives in a big set of lies
Willing ignorance the casted dices

I hope I am very wrong
As the only one stabbed by the prong
Right and everyone will suffer
To see and live will be so much harder
Let me be totally wrong please
And let others carry on with ease
— 03/07/19

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