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End of Supported Years

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Jan 15, 2018 · 5 revisions

Crochet centuria since first cry
Two in downunder lie
Verbal word semi-decum past
I've hit end of pension glass

Two years ran past by
Two weeks there my script
Awaiting to be ripped
Ten months of work
Ten thousand speak the tales

End at that
Thirty since first step
Waging again
Seems always with buckets of pain
Emotions wrecked
From tales four months back
Tears dry and gone
What me got but all alone
Work I put so much more
Knowing the art
Still placed among all
What meanings
This war wage?
-- 19/05/04

Commentary: This was written at the end of my honours year in Melbourne, which signifies the end of a road. The next road, if any, depends on myself. The pain stems from the fact that I did not get the grade that I wanted – I was a mark short from first class honours. Is it worth fighting this war?

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