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My Sayings

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Nov 5, 2024 · 10 revisions

32. Do your best but if you want to give up, do your best and a bit more. You have to decide on how bit is the bit. But if, your today’s (best + bit) is still not enough, then it is alright to give up; even though your today’s (best + bit) is lesser than your tomorrow’s best or even lesser than your yesterday’s best, you have exceeded your best today and is alright to let go.
— Maurice Ling

31. Banging your head on the wrong wall does not help. Some people have the luck to bang their head on a partition wall while you may be hanging your head onto a pillar.
— Maurice Ling

30. Every adult life is messy, just which combination.
— Maurice Ling

29. 福报恶业不相抵消。增福不增恶为首先。不增福不增恶为次之。增福增恶再次之。
— Maurice Ling

28. Statisticians are very good at calculating averages, standard deviation, add, multiply, do whatever arithmetical tricks; but nobody ensures what the hell was written / keyed in into the data tables the first place.
— Maurice Ling

27. The fundamental unit of being in this universe is energy. The fundamental unit of force in this universe is intention.
— Maurice Ling

26. 你以为观音菩萨不精通邪法吗?观音菩萨是精通邪法而不用,只用慈悲之法,所以才称之为菩萨。
— Maurice Ling

25. Bad person is one that willing do stuffs even though he/she knows that it is not right. Average person is one that willing do right stuffs. Good person is one that chooses to do right stuffs despite the abilities and knowledge of how to execute the wrong stuffs and knowing that the wrong stuffs get to the objectives faster than the right stuffs.
— Maurice Ling

24. You don’t climb a mountain to live on the submit. You climb a mountain to show that you can.
— Maurice Ling

23. Being true to yourself is very important. Krishna in Mahabharata almost failed in everything and fundamentally resulted in the epic war. But throughout, he is completely true to himself; and for that, we call him “lord”.
— Maurice Ling

22. If they want you, it does not matter what you did or did not.
If they do not want you, it does not matter what you did or did not.
So in the end, have your own things to believe in and to do, and continue with it.
— Maurice Ling

21. How to differentiate between ambition and greed? By the direction of force. Ambition is an expansive force from internal to external, and takes the language of “I want to do something”. Greed is a contractive force from external to internal, and takes the language of “I want to get something”. Therefore, ambition is a push from internal towards external while greed is a pull from external towards internal.
— Maurice Ling

20. 佛度有缘人。帮得了就帮;劝不听,不自救,可自便。
— Maurice Ling

19. 布施化贪。慈悲化嗔。智慧化痴。
— Maurice Ling

18. Anyone willing to put in the time and effort can be a doctor. Like eating a whole turkey, a doctorate is no more than a personal achievement and should stay personal; does not make the holder any better than anyone else.
— Maurice Ling

17. Truth is a religion; science and other religions, including Buddhism, are interpretations of the truth. None, no religions or science, should be held as infallible. But since science has a systematic and tested path of inquiry, it has to be placed above all other forms of non-testable path of inquiry or religions, including Buddhism. Hence, if science proves aspects of Buddhism to be wrong, then Buddhism must be the one that changes.
— Maurice Ling

16. You have a better chance finding a horny-less teenage male than an organization with low politics.
— Maurice Ling

15. Repentance means confession, seeking forgiveness; thereby, given forgiveness on basis of never to commit identical or similar offenses again; not confess and re-commit the offense. Repentance is not a morning after pill.
— Maurice Ling

14. It is simple to do well in school – major in your instructors/lecturers/professors – know what they want and what they are looking for.
— Maurice Ling

13. Always remember that you are formed by every part, experience and stage of life, be it good or bad. You won’t be here today without your past, so there is no “what ifs”. If you were ever there and started your “what ifs”; the only “what if” is… You’re a dead sperm.
— Maurice Ling

12. A Ph.D. is a personal accomplishment, similar to completing a marathon or eating a turkey in a day. A Ph.D. does not make a person greater.
— Maurice Ling

11. Life isn’t about sticking your legs in ice and burning your hair and say that on the average, you feel OK.
— Maurice Ling

10. When you are prepared to lose everything,
you will not be afraid to lose anything;
very often, you will lose minimal thing,
quite often, you will lose nothing.
— Maurice Ling

9. I can only succeed if the people I bring with me do well or succeed.
— Maurice Ling

8. I never train my people as followers; I train them to be my successors.
— Maurice Ling

7. Fairness is not a design principle of our creator(s)… That’s life.
— Maurice Ling

6. Permanent head damage is not the result of a PhD but the cause of.
— Maurice Ling

5. Writing up the doctoral thesis is like running the last part of SOC (Standard Obstacle Course) – straightest but toughest.
— Maurice Ling

4. Life is not about smooth-sailing but what you do and how you live with it when shit is thrown at you.
— Maurice Ling

3. Pushing the frontiers of science is like smashing your head against a brick wall until the wall moves, or you die of bleeding. In either sense, your head will be permanently damaged and that is just what you will get – Permanent head Damage.
— Maurice Ling

2. Self-discipline is to choose play over work when it’s time to play, and work over play when it’s time to work.
— Maurice Ling

1. Insurance is the only investment vehicle that offers protection of assets, and does so by spreading the risks as widely as possible and prudent investment by the (ethical) underwriting company; in another words, it is almost a managed community effort to help the few unfortunate people, which will only be made known years in the future. Like blood, if you want to be on priority list to receive other people’s blood when you are in need, you have to donate blood way before you need it, the promise of donating blood after receiving will be returned with a promise that a request will be made.
— Maurice Ling

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