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Kinetic Models with Default Enzyme Kinetics from Genome scale Models.

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Dec 31, 2021 · 3 revisions

Citation: Amir-Hamzah, N, Kuan, ZJ, Ling, MHT. 2022. Kinetic Models with Default Enzyme Kinetics from Genome-scale Models. Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 4(1): 59-63.

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Many genome-scale models of metabolism [GSMs] have been constructed to study the effects of changing native gene expression on its metabolism. Kinetic models of metabolism [KMs] can be a useful tool to study the effects of transgenes and regulations on the time-course metabolic profile of the host. However, the availability of KMs is substantially lesser with smaller scope than GSMs. A possibility is to generate KMs from GSMs but such tool is not available. Here, we present a converter to convert substrate-product pairs in GSM rate laws to enzyme kinetic equations in KM using default enzyme kinetics. Our testing results suggests that simulatable KMs can be successfully generated from GSMs to generate time-course metabolic profiles.

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